OCR unit number Sector unit number Level: Credit value: Guided learning hours: Work with other people in a business environment 205 Y/601/2474 2 3 10 31 December 2013 Unit expiry date: Unit purpose and aim This unit is about working within a team, sharing responsibility with others to make sure that a team can achieve agreed goals and objectives. Learning Outcomes The Learner will: 1. Understand how your role fits with organisational values and practices Assessment Criteria The Learner can: 1. 1 Describe the sector in which your organisation operates 1. 2 Describe your organisation’s missions and purpose 1. Compare you organisation to other types of organisation in your sector 1. 4 Outline your responsibilities 1. 5 Describe how your role fits into your organisation’s structure 1. 6 Describe how your role contributes to the organisation’s operations 1. 7 Outline the policies, procedures, systems and values of your organisation that are relevant to your role 1. 8 Outline who you would consult if unsure about organisational policies, procedures, systems and Exemplification Learning outcomes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 must be assessed using methods appropriate to the assessment of knowledge and understanding.
A holistic approach to assessment should be adopted so that one piece of evidence covers more than one learning outcome and several assessment criteria and where appropriate, can be evidenced across units. © OCR 2010 1 values 2. Understand how to work as part of a team to achieve goals and objectives 2. 1 Explain the purpose of working with other people to achieve goals and objectives 2. 2 Identify situations in which working with others can achieve positive results 2. 3 Explain the purpose and benefits of agreeing work goals and plans when working with others 2. Describe situations in which team members might support each other 2. 5 Describe ways of providing support to other people in a team 2. 6 Explain the purpose of agreeing quality measures with a team 3. Understand how to communicate as part of a team 3. 1 Explain the purpose of communicating with other people in a team 3. 2 Identify different methods of communication and when to use them 4. Understand the contribution of individuals within a team 4. 1 Explain the purpose of recognising the strengths of others 4. 2 Explain the value of diversity within teams 4. Explain the purpose of respecting individuals working within a team 5. Understand how to deal with problems and disagreements 5. 1 Describe the types of problems and disagreements that may occur when working with other people in a team 5. 2 Describe ways of dealing with problems and disagreements when working with other people in a team 6. Understand the purpose of feedback when working as a team 2 6. 1 Explain the purpose of giving and receiving constructive feedback © OCR 2010 6. 2 Describe ways of using feedback to improve own work, and a team as a whole 7.
The Essay on Describe and Explain the Impact of the Emancipation of Women on Fertility Rates.
Describe and explain the Impact of the emancipation of women on fertility rates. The First Female emancipation movement took place at the end of the 19th Century and was common to see women in the workplace at that time. Women were given a freedom that only men shared before, such as voting, a higher education and careers. This movement of freedom of women was mostly recognised in Western Europe ( ...
Be able to work in a way that fits with organisational values and practices 7. 1 Follow organisational policies, systems and procedures relevant to your role 7. 2 Apply relevant organisational values across all aspects of your work 7. 3 Work with outside organisations and individuals in a way that protects the image of your organisation, when relevant 7. 4 Seek guidance when unsure about organisational policies, systems, procedures and values 8. Be able to work in a team to achieve goals and objectives 8. 1 Communicate effectively with other people in a team 8. Contribute to the agreement of work objectives and quality measures with a team, to achieve a positive outcome 8. 3 Make sure work goals and objectives are achieved in a way that makes best use of own abilities in a team 8. 4 Provide support to members of a team, if required 8. 5 Show respect for individuals in a team 8. 6 Make sure own work meets agreed quality standards and is on time 9. Be able to deal with or refer problems in a team 9. 1 Identify problem(s) or disagreement(s) in a team 9. 2 Resolve problem(s) or disagreement(s) within limits of own authority and experience © OCR 2010
The Essay on Work Teams
One of the most important things to keep in mind when assembling work teams is team efficacy. Team efficacy is basically where effective teams have confidence in them and each other in the ability to succeed. Everyone that will be a part of this developmental team will have to come together and agree on what is best for the subject at hand. You will have to come in agreement with one another to ...
Assessment should be planned to maximise the opportunities for the candidate to demonstrate their ability to work with other people in a business environment 3 9. 3 Refer problems, as required 10. Be able to use feedback on objectives in a team 10. 1 Contribute to providing constructive feedback on the achievement of objectives to a team 10. 2 Receive constructive feedback on own work 10. 3 Use feedback on achievement of objectives to identify improvements in own work Assessment This unit is centre assessed and externally verified. Your assessor will use a range of assessment methods which may include: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? bservation of performance in the work environment examination work products questioning the learner discussing with the learner use of others (witness testimony) looking at learner statements recognising prior learning Evidence requirements A range of evidence should be gathered to cover the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria. Examples may include: ? Annotated organisational policies and procedures ? Appraisal or work review ? Minutes of team meetings ? Feedback received from colleagues ? Feedback provided to colleagues ? Internal communications between colleagues ? Communication seeking guidance 4 © OCR 2010 ? Development plans ?
Detail of where team working has occurred ? Referral of or discussion relating to a problem ? Task/project plans Guidance on assessment and evidence requirements Refer to sections on Assessment and Evidence requirements above. National Occupational Standards (NOS) mapping/signposting This unit is based on the NOS BAG 1210 Work with other people in a business environnment NOS can viewed on the relevant Sector Skills Council’s website or the Occupational standards directory at www. ukstandards. co. uk. Functional skills signposting This section indicates where candidates may have an opportunity to develop their functional skills.
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The Role of Group Work In Enhancing Speaking Skill In Primary Level The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Speaking Skill in Primary Level Effective language skills are essential for children to access the curriculum. In the classroom, spoken language is the primary medium through which teachers teach and children learn. In developing their speaking skills, children need to learn to adapt their talk ...
Link to functional skills standards http://www. qcda. gov. uk/15565. aspx Functional Skills Standards English Speaking and Listening Reading ? ? Mathematics Representing Analysing ICT Use ICT systems Find and select information Develop, present and communicate information Writing ? Interpreting © OCR 2010 5 Resources Access to a working environment with associated equipment and resources Additional information For further information regarding administration for this qualification, please refer to the OCR document ‘Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications’ (A850) on the OCR website www. ocr. org. uk . 6 © OCR 2010