All Rights Reserved i. ACKOWLEDGEMENTS I sincerely want to show my appreciation to the Cambridge College faculty for their patience and support during this extensive writing process. ii. Abstract iii. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Problem Statement Rationale Anticipated Outcome Research Question Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV References iv Maximizing Sped Label1 Chapter 1 Introduction What is the first thought provoked when school employee notes that a student is a special education?
For some, the first thought is questioning what the disability is, and for some the first thought is what the guidelines of the Individualized Education Plan are for the special education student. The question I want to become the first thought is how can we maximize on this special education student? To answer this question, we must first examine what maximizing on the label encompasses. To many we think of the definition of maximizing as making something as great as you can. In the world of technology, it is a term that is a button or command to enlarge a window to the full size of the display screen.
To truly maximize on the special education label, individuals or societies must gain the maximum amount out of the resources they have available to them. This definition opens the door to the new thought I desire school employees to have when someone mentions a special education student. What can our school environment due to improve the learning conditions for this special education student? Once a student has the special education label, they have a team of school faculty that play a vital role in the success of the student.
The Essay on Student: Special Education and Diagnostic/prescriptive/evaluative Teaching
The name of the school was Brenneham Elementary, which is a K-8 school and one of the many, Chicago Public Schools (CPS). The focus of my observation and interview was to discuss diagnosis, prescription, evaluation, and analyses of goal instruction, daily role, and implementation in the classroom. The researcher’s observations and interview consisted of the realization of the importance of an IEP ...
From the administration to the guidance counselor to the special education teacher, the student’s success is dependent on ability of this team to create a plan that maximizes on the school culture to ensure a proper learning environment. Maximizing Sped Labels 2 These stakeholders must demand an exceptional level of decorum, professionalism, accuracy, communication and compassion. Realistically, it seems impossible for all of these vitally important attributes to be displayed by our stakeholders within the school on each encounter with a student, but it is a goal that should be on everyone’s horizon.
In retrospect, if we envision that each child is within our personal cohort such as their own child or a niece and nephew, our outcome for reaching this goal would be vastly different. Problem Statement In special education, students that are mainstreamed can potentially loose their optimal heights in education because educators have not maximized their relationships by using the special education label. Rationale Special education students’ academic achievement relies heavily on the effectiveness of the team of faculty and staff or stakeholders working on their behalf.
To achieve this optimal goal, these stakeholders must maximize their relationships to achieve success. Maximizing Sped Label3 Anticipated Outcome The ideal outcome is a learning environment where special education students are receiving the optimal educational experience as a result of school faculty stakeholders maximizing within their relationships. Everyone must work in unison on achieving superior academic success for each student as a result of a community effort. Research Question
How can educators and parents maximize the relationships between the school’s stakeholders to ensure a proper learning environment has been created for each student. Maximizing Sped Label4 Chapter 2 Mainstreaming is a term used in public schools to describe ways in which educational strategies are utilized to provide appropriate special education services to disabled students assuring the least amount of disruption in routine, while maximizing relationships and contact with general education peers. In its inception, mainstreaming was derived from the Civil Rights desegregation movement.
The Essay on Students with Special Needs in Education
In the profession of teaching, there are many popular topics of discussion with regards to creating the optimum learning environment for students. Each of these topics has a multitude of literature research to defend several different perspectives. Aside from the obvious complications, new perspectives are still being introduced which are arguably more effective than the past information which has ...
Mainstreaming and desegregation assured students with diversity or disability the same rights to equal educational opportunities (Ritter, Michel, & Irby, 1999, p. 10).
The role of general education teachers in public education environments in relationship to special education is one of the most challenging obstacles general educators indicate they experience. One of the main concerns that general education teachers express is in carrying out mainstreaming and inclusion is in making appropriate accommodations for special education students.
Mainstreaming is a term used in public schools to describe ways in which educational strategies are utilized to provide appropriate special education services to disabled students assuring the least amount of disruption in routine, while maximizing relationships and contact with general education peers. Mainstreaming has also been described as “the act of returning previously removed students back to regular classrooms (Lilly, 2001, p. 86).