n aging expectations is a very tough challenge for CIO in today’s business. I think the initial step should be for the Chief IT Officer and the Chief Executive Officer along with the Chief Financial Officer is to sit down and have a meeting at the time of hire. All three of them should agree on the job description and what leeway will be allowed in the IT area. It should also be understood that the CIO reports to directly to the CEO. It should also be known exactly what direction the CEO would like to take the company as far as IT is concerned. After the initial meeting there should not be a question on whom exactly the CIO reports to and exactly what is expected of he or she.
It should also be understood whether the CIO has a chance for upward movement or is the position stagnant. The CIO needs to clearly state whether the CEO’s direction of IT is feasible. It should also be understand by the key company leadership involved exactly what the IT budget is for the upcoming year. Having Business Skills is also a challenge for CIO, this is a should be very important to the CIO of an organization. I think it is key that the CIO be seen in front office instead of behind the scenes. For the CIO to be most effective his has to understand the business aspect of the organization that he works for.
Without a firm knowledge of the business’s mission, the CIO cannot make a very informed decision on what is required for the IT section to provide the best service to organization. Preferably he or she attends board meetings to play a role in the decisions of the company as it relates to IT. To include future IT projects, budget and be able to speak on the ideas whether good or bad. It is very important for the company to understand that the CIO is the resident expert when it comes to information technology. The CIO should be able to articulate the requirements fiscal and personnel. It is very important for the CIO to stay on top of the latest and greatest things happening in the world of IT.
The Business plan on Organizational Fit Erp Business Companies
INTRODUCTION The assignment will explore ERP from its origin and would shed light on its fundamentals and implementation procedures. ERP will be evaluated from two perspectives of two different companies which implemented the ERP solution. First we will be discussing! SS Cisco! |s!" ERP implementation and the technical and business issues related to that and then we will move on to the other case ...
The executive staff should always be informed of major changes in software and hardware. There should also be an open line of communications between the CIO and his or her direct supervisor. If possible the CIO should be on a level playing field with the CFO. The CFO should only have a say in the functions of the CIO when money becomes an issue. The CIO should have the authority to kindly inform the CEO of bad decisions in the IT community.
If the CEO is considering upgrading the company’s IT system the CIO should field obligated and have the authority to at least tell the CEO that it is a bad or good idea. When the CIO does not agree with an idea of the CEO it should be known but timing is very important when he informs him or her. In the middle of a board meeting I do not feel it is the place for a CIO to tell the CEO that it is bad idea. I think after the meeting when the timing is right that there should be a offline sit down and maybe try to point the CEO in a different direction. If the mission and goals of an organization is not understood then it is not possible for the IT personnel to make automation better. It is very important for the personnel using the system to fill free to tell the CIO when something is not working properly or when they have ideas to make their job more efficient.
I think that the recommendations should not be too technical and the audience should always be considered. I do not think it would be appropriate to talk fiber optics in a meeting with all board members. But if the requirement is there for an upgrade or purchase IT equipment then it should be known. I think the CIO should always be able to justify the reason to spend more funds on upgrades or purchases of IT products. The CIO must always understand that there is always a limit to the funds available on the IT portion of an organization. It is very important the CIO know how the organization functions and know where the income for the organization is comes from.
The Research paper on Business Requirements at Canadian Tire
The Canadian Tire Corporation (CTC) was initiated in 1922 when two brothers opened an auto parts store and garage in Toronto, Canada. From 1922 to 2003, their organization grew into a much larger network of businesses, including retail, financial services, and petroleum operations (Haggerty, 2003). There was 45,000 employees working at the various CVC businesses across Canada, and more than 1,000 ...
Cutting cost is always an important for a CIO in an organization. I think it is important for the CIO to identify the requirements and try to forecast on future requirements and attempt to stay within the budget allocated. This forecast of requirements is another reason why the CIO should play a definite role in the company’s board meetings. The CIO should try to stay within the budget and try not to just have the nice to have things.
Only when there is a valid requirement for an upgrade should the CIO attempt to get additional funds. I think the automation requirements should be laid out in a forum that all related personnel understand the IT jargon. It is very important the CEO be told the truth and has the complete understanding of the new upgrades to the system. I think the upgrades must have a direct impact on the production of the organization. If the CIO identifies way to cut cost on the day to day business functions of the IT portion of the company he should lay out how and why the cost could be cut. It is very important for the CIO to not protect his own IT personnel with job security.
If outsourcing is the way to go, then the CEO should be informed. The pros and cons of any change in personnel or outsourcing should be made clear to all board members. Outsourcing can have a dramatic impact on the number of personnel in the monthly budget. In summary there are several challenges facing CIO in today’s business sector.
The CIO must be flexible and understand other functions within a business to make the IT section fit in and make the business side of the organization more effective. I think communication both ways can make the business run more efficient and the CIO can ensure he is making the right IT selection for the organization. In today’s business world CIO cannot have just a narrow focus on information technology alone.
The Essay on Business Requirements Document
Business requirements are the critical activities of an enterprise that must be performed to meet the organizational objective(s). The BRD should remain solution independent. In the context of the project scoping for hardware procurement and installation, this is about identifying and documenting the business requirements of customers, employees, and vendors early in the development cycle to guide ...