Without Health Care, living a life to reach your highest potential is impossible as someone who is sick lives in a state of mind that is not their healthiest. Barton (2010) states “a health service ..[is].. an activity whose primary objective is health-its maintenance, its improvement, or, if it is failing, its recovery”(p. 6), which is preserving your life or making it better. Our country spends money on so many things that seem necessary to make the United States the best but how are these services really helping us if there are so many people who are unhealthy and not able to use these services or even use them up to their full potential? When people are denied health care and are unable to get better when they are sick, we are denying them the right to life. If we made health care a right in the United States our country would be a much better place with healthier individuals doing better than they ever could. Everyone has the right to live in a healthy state of mind and body which is exactly what health care is for.
If our government had a bigger say in our health care system that allowed everyone coverage, all individuals would be able to go to the doctor and get help before whatever their condition was got even more serious. “More than 18,000 Americans die every year from preventable illnesses because they do not get to the doctor when they should” (Sanders), this is something that should and could be completely avoided. Being able to go to the doctor to fix minor illnesses could change many people’s lives. It could prevent them from having to go to the hospital which would be much more expensive and have their health condition at a much higher risk. Preventative care could be used much more than it is now here in America and would help our country a lot.
The Essay on Disease rends and health care delivery paper
Health care delivery will have to adapt in the future to accommodate trends in aging and obesity related issues. The current population will be reaching “older” ages of 65 or older in the coming years and should be aware and knowledgeable of health care trends, disease and illness trends, and how Obesity could affect them in the future as well. Now to learn more about aging, obesity, and health ...
If our government had more say in our health care system that allowed everyone coverage, it would probably mean that people that made higher amounts of money would be paying more than what a lower income family would. This money would probably come out of our taxes but with a reasonable set amount for procedures, medicines, and all other costs, we would not have to pay as much as we do now. This could decrease the amounts of all bills for Americans and would not make the prices as bad as they are now. Another negative thing that could come out of this change is longer waits for surgeries and doctors appointments. Yes, waiting isn’t fun but it is much better than having someone die because they couldn’t get insured before.
This could be controlled with the use of other doctors who weren’t being used as much due to price control but could be fixed with set costs. As a whole for individuals, a government organized healthcare system would benefit more than not. Our society as a whole would be much more productive, in a much healthier state, and would be doing much better work. In 2009, “46 million people … [had] … no health insurance”(Sanders), if we could change this number to zero, imagine how much greater the people in our country could be. With healthier, more productive people, our country would flourish more than ever and could end up helping us change in ways we never thought before. The people in our society who would not be as excited to make health care a right for everyone would be all the people who work in health care due to differences in pay. With set costs hospitals, specialized doctors and pharmacies would not be able to make as much profit as they did before.
The Essay on Health Care Project
... The currently health care system with health care reform has caused confusing for consumers. Many people are struggling ... prescription drugs is a discussion in the country of importance. The rise of the cost ... practices from a high profit, low development model to a moderate profit, moderate to high development ... the economy. Some of those ideas include price-capping expensive drugs and even importing ...
I believe that it would be a good switch for our country to be a much healthier and productive place even if our doctors made a little bit less. We could still set prices to where people in the health profession could make profit but not such a huge profit that it isn’t affordable for the people. Having our government help manage our health care system could help our economy in many different ways. “At $2.4 trillion dollars, and 18 percent of our GDP, the skyrocketing cost of health care in this country is unsustainable both from a personal and macro-economic perspective”(Sanders), with our current health care prices, our country cannot afford to keep up like this.
With the government setting prices on medicines, procedures, doctors visits, and all other medical costs to a standard set amount that isn’t as expensive, people wouldn’t go bankrupt and our government wouldn’t have to spend as much money as they do now on health care. Hospitals and many people who work with insurance companies would not be profiting as much as now but people would be living longer with healthcare as a right to all. Stakeholders would be in a much better position when investing their money into hospitals because services would be used much more at more reasonable prices. Clinics and hospitals would not fail because people could now go see the doctor when they are sick instead of waiting until they are almost dying and trying to get help.
The stakeholders that profit large amounts would not profit as much as they did without set prices. Set prices would control their profit they make and the profit would be a lower for everyone. Chernichovsky (2010) argues “To what extent do researchers have an ethical responsibility to provide .. health care”(p. 200) to people who don’t really care about their health at all. Our country is filled with people who don’t exercise, smokers, and over weight people, but that shouldn’t deny them the right to a second chance. And for all the people who do try hard to stay healthy but cannot afford coverage, how would it be fair for them to get denied health care? Receiving health care is something that everyone deserves but many are denied in our country. To be the country we want to think of ourselves as, making health care something everyone can access is an important part. In being the best, we need to be in our best physical and mental state of mind.
The Essay on To Duty Of Care In Health Social Care
Outcome 1 Understand the implications of duty of care 1.1) ‘Duty of care’ refers to the relationship between myself and a service user, within this professional relationship there is an obligation to take responsible care to avoid injury or harm to whom it can be reasonably foreseen. A duty of care exists to protect the individual from harm, to set guidelines, and promote safeguarding. Failure to ...