Linus Carl Pauling Linus Carl Pauling was born Feb. 28, 1901 inPortland Oreg. He has made major contributions instructural chemistry and molecular biology. LinusPauling became interested in biological molecules, andhe preformed magnetic studies on oxygen-carryinghemoglobin molecules with C. D. Coryell. Linusdeveloped a structural theory of denatured andcoagulated protein molecules. He was interrupted onhis work during WWII he had to work on explosives anddeveloped an oxygen detector. He proposed the alphahelix as the basic structure of proteins and nearly
missed discovering the double-helix structure of DNA.In 1954 he was awarded the NOBEL PRIZE for chemistryfor his outstanding contributions toward understandingchemical bonding. Linus spoke out against nuclear testing after WWII. Linus presented a petition to the U.N signed by11,000 scientists. This led to the U.S.-Soviet test-ban treaty. This led to Linus winning the Nobel PeacePrize. Later on in his career he looked into medicalissues like he found out sickle-cell disease ishereditary, and he investigated into MEGAVITAMINTHERAPY(the use of large amounts of vitamins forhealth purposes).