Localization of function refers to the belief that specific areas of the cerebral cortex are associated with specific physical or behavioral functions. Examples of case studies to prove how specific locations of the brain can be affected and have an impact on behavior are demonstrated by the HM and Phineas Gage incident.
In 1848, when Phineas Gage was tampering iron to press explosives into a hole, an explosion sent a rod through his head. His physician J.M Harlow recognized some significant changes in his personality and described him as having little restraint, using extremely rude language, and making grand plans for the future that would be instantly replaced with others. Because the frontal lobe of the brain was damaged, Gage became disinhibited which meant he wanted to start doing things that might he might normally have stopped himself from doing. Although he wanted to continue working, his impulsive and rude behavior was not conductive to working with other people therefore could not continue.
Sperry had a study to help neuroscientists understand the way the brain functions and appear to be not only localized in specific regions, but also lateralized (left and right hemispheres seem to be more or less responsible for certain activities).
The participants in Sperry’s work had all undergone an operation to reduce the severity of their epilepsy by severing the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is a part of the brain that joins the two hemispheres and it appears to be responsible for the communication between them. Without this communication and under the right experimental conditions the two hemispheres could be studied separately and their sometimes-subtle differences identified. A similar incident happened with HM (1953), where he had to undergo a surgery to remove the medial temporal lobes in order to reduce the frequency of his epileptic seizures.
The Term Paper on Brains Ability To Think
... that we are forbidden to do. Language functions are housed in both of the hemispheres equally. We also, under normal circumstances, have ... because of chemical reactions in our brains, it mostly occurs in a specific part of the brain. Dr. Hobson also concluded that the ... way that we found this emotion in our brain was completely accidental. Phineas Gage was an intelligent, well balanced man. He was ...
The operation resulted in the removal of more of his brain than was intended and had effects on his memory. When taken an MRI brain scan (1996), there was a surprising extent of damage to the temporal lobes and other parts of the brain, and it is supposed that this was caused by a bad reaction to his epileptic medication that HM was taking. HM was therefore incapable to create long-term memories. He had anterograde amnesia where he had an inability to remember relating to the time since of his operation. HM’s mood reported by Ogden (2005) was that he was calm and he may also be genuinely content and good-natured.
How we exercise the brain is impacted observations of models and how motivated we feel we should learn things. In the split-brain studies, each hemisphere constitutes a separate mind or sphere of consciousness that may be why we have different conscious streams and because we exercise one more hemisphere, it may be why we are better at some cognitive activities and know yourself more.
The brain is organized in the form of modules that work in parallel and often non-consciously. This may explain why we act and react impulsively and have no control of actions. Two hemispheres differ in their processing styles which means people can think and memorize information depending on the way they think and memorize information. There may be a biological link on how we process information and perform our activates and relate to others.
It may be possible to draw conclusions about causes and effects in terms of the interactions between cognition and physiology in the Phineas Gage and HM incident. The environment also plays an important part in shaping the structure of the brain. We need to account for individual differences in brain structure and function and how that affects individual’s behavior and social interactions with others. An example of this can be how you learn can influence the brain. If you develop a side more than the other you will acquire different skills. You also access the world and interact with others depending on how developed your cognitive side of the brain is and how accurate you perceive the world. Social interactions are therefore determined by the way we process information. The way we are raised, educated, culture impacts on how stimulated the brain is. For example Japan or China emphasize on academic performance that may be due to the left hemisphere being more developed. Mental illness can also occur if the brain damage occurs or for inability to see a viewpoint.
The Essay on Split Brain Research Hemisphere Tasks Showed
Chad Stein PS 101 Dr. Rom 1. Gazzaniga, M. S. "One Brain or Two" Scientific American. 1967. Rpt. In Forty Studies That Changed Psychology. Ed. Roger R. Hock. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1995. 2-11. 2. This article dealt with experiments that showed the different functions of the right and left hemisphere of the brain. It also described the functions of the left and right hemisphere. "Your ...