“The Disposable Rocket” This essay describes what it is like to inhibit the male body. The male body is compared to many things. At the beginning it is compared to a bank account. “The author, John Updike, says,” inhibiting a male body is much like having a bank account; as long as it’s healthy, you don’t think much about it.” Updike then goes on describing how low-maintenance men are. The male body is next compared to a mail delivery service. John Updike says, “From the standpoint of reproduction, the male body is a delivery system…
Once the delivery is made, men feel a faint but distinct falling-off of interest.” Next the male body is compared with the female body. This part just basically lists all the differences between males and females. The essay also describes an erection as a “younger brother” to men, and that the body, “betrays” us when we have a broken bone or something of that sort. For the final comparison of a man’s body, Updike says, ” A man and his body are like a boy and the buddy who has a drivers license and the use of his fathers car for the evening; he goes along gratefully for the ride.” I thought this essay was a pretty good depiction of what it is like to be in a male’s body. The fact that Updike compared the body to different things helped to visualize and understand a lot of the things he was saying. The essay was funny at times and I enjoyed reading it..
The Essay on Body Image And Men
I used to think being a guy would be so much easier then being a girl. Never worrying about the constant need to meet perfection or attaining a social expectation. That was until my 14 year old brother started complaining about how his feet were too ugly because he has hairs on his toes, deciding whether or not he should shave them. Having a lot of really close male friends, it has made me ...