Science-fiction movies such as Terminator have predicted a war between humans and machines. These machines due to their advanced artificial intelligence would probably want to control the whole world and to surpass their creators. Is this scenario plausible or is it just a “human fantasy” with a view to selling books and films? On the one hand, if we think of all the movies based on the revolution of the machines, it seems possible that, in the future, man will have to wage wars on machines (as in «I, Robot», for instance).
Indeed, we can see how rapidly the machine evolves and becomes more and more sophisticated. It is the reason why we are entitled to think that, one day, the machine will be so evolved, elaborated and complex that it will be able to think by itself and rise against its creators. On the other hand, if we take the example of the film «AI, artificial intelligence», the evolution of the machine will lead to a robot who can love, therefore contributing to peace in the world, not war. Another argument which goes agains this hypothesis is that almost all those scenarri come from Hollywood which relies heavily on th culture of fear.
To conclude I firmly believe that even if man may be led to wage a war on machines it is more likely that man will remain in control. But never forget: As you sow, you shall reap!!!Every path has its puddle. And prevention is better than cure.