Marriage is Human Rights Regardless of Sex
Same-sex marriage is becoming a social phenomenon around the world. This kind of marriage first appeared in the twenty-first century when an increasing number of countries and states amended marriage law to allow same-sex couple getting married legally. Additionally, starting from the late twentieth century there has been a growing number of movements to fright for the recognition of marriage as a fundamental human rights that should be extended to same-sex couples (Moumneh 2009; Human Rights Watch 2009; Adam, Duyvendak, and Krouwel 1999, as cited in Chamie & Mirkin, 2011).
As a result of successful legal and social movements, more and more same-sex couples are going public of their relationship and tie the knots legally which have been an inconceivable act in the old days. By the end of 2009, the available data suggested that the total cumulative number of same-sex marriages that had legally taken place worldwide was nearly 100,000. (Chamie & Mirkin, 2011) Yet, this figure was said to be underestimated.
While the number of legal same-sex marriage is on an increase, the controversies and the voice of opposition are also soaring. A survey sponsored by the Alliance Defense Fund in 2011 reveals that a majority of 53% of Americans across the country strongly oppose the idea of same-sex marriage. This result is noticeable in revealing that the public still see the same-sex couple with prejudiced viewpoint regardless of how the law has changed. However, it is reasonable and necessary for the legal marriage rights to be extended to include those between gays and lesbians in order to practice full human rights on every single human being.
The Essay on Gay Marriage Sex Couples States
Why is same-sex marriage such a controversial issue in the United States? In the 21 st century we as a society have witnessed science and technology that seems to be infinitely changing. As if there is truly no limit! Our society boasts of equality and equal opportunity. We have become practical in our thinking, for science has taught us to do so. Yet for a society that prides themselves on being ...
Many people have tried to define the word “marriage” when writing on the subject of heterosexual or homosexual marriage. According to U.S. Supreme Court, marriage is “one of the basic civil rights of men” “essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men” (1967, as cited in Stoddard, 2005, pp30); but according to Lisa Schiffren (2005), “marriage is essentially a lifelong compact between a man and woman committed to sexual exclusivity and the creation and nurture of offspring” (pp31).
The above two quotes are only the examples of hundreds of thousands of definitions on “marriage”. Contradictions can be found among different definitions which in turn make the judgment on same-sex marriage ambiguous. Some may argue with Lisa’s point of view that marriage is set to be between men and women only, while some may object to it.
But what is the meaning in defining “marriage” in so many other words when there is a commonly-agreed-on definition for it? That is “love”. In the most ancient traditional sense, marriage is between two individuals who love each other and ready to make a commitment for a lifetime. This is also the reason and the start of marriage. In this sense, there is no reason to prohibit same-sex marriage. It is even unethical to do so. When you are a child, you must have dreamed of having a family with the special person you love so much that you want to spend the rest of your life with. Once you found this person, getting married is the best way to express your love for your partner. This also represents responsibility for each other. But when one is rejected to be legally married by some ridiculous definitions made by someone who is nothing special but an ordinary human being, this sounds preposterous. It is not fair for someone to define the rights of marriage and impose it on all people. Regarding those who have got married, no matter of the sex of the couple, each person should have the rights to decide who they are going to spend their life with and should be given the same right to be recognized by society legally.
The Term Paper on Interracial Marriage And Cross Racial Families
Introduction An issue covered in this report is well known and questioned by a variety of people and cultures. Why does interracial marriage occurs and how does it affect the family structure? Is interracial marriage appropriate in the face of society? Questions as such go thought each individual mind, as we happen to notice a family of two cross-raced couple with mixed-raced children. It seems as ...
Banning same-sex marriage not only deprives the couple’s rights to get married, but also the rights associated with married couple and family. A gay or lesbian couple is not legally permitted to take authorized leave from work even when his or her partner gets seriously ill under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act since that law only applies to married couples. A gay or lesbian couple is not legally permitted to extent Social Security survivor benefits or to inherit a retirement plan of his or her partner without first being severely taxed just because they are seen as “unmarried” in the eyes of the law. (Human Rights Campaign Foundation) These are only a few examples out of over 1,100 federal laws that only protect married couples. In the absence of legalized marriage for same-sex couples, they are merely getting the most basic rights of couples, such as naming each other in a will. But even these documents may be seen as invalid if they are being confronted in law suits filed by grouchy family members.
The only difference between heterosexual couples and same-sex couples is the sex of their partners. The same-sex couples also live like other straight couples. So it makes sense for them to earn the right to get married legally and enjoy the same rights such as hospital visitation, social security benefits, health insurance offered by companies.
Some people argue against same-sex marriage because same-sex couples cannot reproduce their next generation. Many people still insist on the belief that everyone needs a mother and father to grow into a “well-formed” adult, regardless of whether we ourselves were raised in a two-parents family or a single parent family. But in terms of providing a suitable environment for a child to grow, it is the quality of a family’s relationship that comes more important than the structure of the family. In other words, it is the loving, caring, heart-warming and happy household that the parents provide helps to raise a responsible, compassionate, respectful child but not the particular sex of the parents that have effects on them.
The Term Paper on Gay Parenting
... on their own a gay couple cannot ensure the continuance of the existence of mankind. Same-sex parenting is feared to have ... stable heterosexual marriages are increasing by leaps with every year, leaving behind broken families. Many children of heterosexual parents are also ... of a stable heterosexual marriage.” (Liberty Counsel, 2012) The ideal for a typical American family is practically living only ...
And there is studies consistently supporting the appropriateness of parenthood by gay and lesbian parents (Human Rights Campaign Foundation).
Studies show that children raised in gay or lesbian families are as good as children raised in straight families in all conceivable aspects in children development. No matter it is academic results, psychological development, survival skills, children in these gay or lesbian families are doing “normal” like other kids in “normal” families. And as a result of these supportive studies, the renowned child welfare organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians and others, have published statements dismissing arguments that gay or lesbian parents are bad parents. Hence, there is no problem for same-sex couple to be parents and it should not be taken as a reason to reject their rights to get married.
In conclusion, legal marriage rights should be extended to include those marriage between gays and lesbians. It is a matter of justice to legalize same-sex marriage and recognize same-sex couples as any other “straight” couples. And it has been proved that same-sex couple can also be good parents that there should be no more arguments on them raising children. Thus, same-sex couples have the rights to enjoy basic human rights and family rights. (1191 words)
Alliance Defense Fund. (2011).
Marriage survey results summary. Retrieved on April 4, 2012 from
Chamie, J. and Mirkin, B. (2011).
Same-sex marriage: a new social phenomenon. Population and Development Review. 37(3): 529-551. doi: 10.1111/j.1728-4457.2011.00433.x
Human Rights Campaign Foundation. (updated 2009).
Answers to questions about marriage equality. US: Washington D.C. Retrieved on April 4, 2012 from
Schiffren, L. (2005).
Gay marriage, an oxymoron. In S. Barnet & H. Bedeau (Eds.), Contemporary & Classic Arguments: A Portable Anthology (pp31-33).
The Essay on Marriage and the family
Throughout the course of time, family dynamics and components have evolved along with society. In recent history the contemporary family has evolved into more of a dual earner family, leaving the traditional division of responsibilities ever changing and progressing. In today’s society it has become more common to see women taking on the traditional responsibilities of men both financially and ...
Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Stoddard, T.B. (2005).
Gay marriages: make them legal. In S. Barnet & H. Bedeau (Eds.), Contemporary & Classic Arguments: A Portable Anthology (pp29-30).
Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.