Mathematics has been a part of life since life began and is not about to go away. Rosie ODonnell has been quoted recently in Newsweek as saying that math should no longer be taught because we have computers (and) no longer need to know why 3x2y/4. Although not all mathematics is useful in everyday life there still are an indefinite amount of examples of it being practical and informative. From tennis, government, and even to a students car buying experience, math is an essential skill for everyone. It makes advancement in todays marketplace easier and can lead to a more satisfying life. Those with a mathematic type major learn to think more abstractly and find ways to adapt easier. These critical thinking skills are essential to achieve where one wants to go. Our society is the one thats losing if it loses mathematics.
Nonetheless, ODonnell has a point. Society is changing to the point where people need to adapt to it. Im not saying that ODonnell is right, however, maybe its time to change the way society teaches our students. Computers are becoming more and more a part of our lives, whether we like it or not, theyre here to stay. And why not let them do their jobs? Why not save money that is spent on, sometimes, useless education and spend it on preparing our students for the future. Theyre in control, theyre going to be running the country and they deserve all the advantages given to them. Prepare for the future my friends; its going to be a world with more reliance on the written word rather than the written number..
The Homework on An Episode of My Life- Life of a Grade 8 Student
I woke up in the middle of the night after the weird noise coming from my brother Jake’s room. It was his alarm that made such noise. He has an important high school exam today. Apparently he thought that having a fire drill sound as his alarm tune would surely wake him up, it did but it woke all of us up. After finally being able to sleep again, I woke up around eight o’clock. I was thirty minute ...