Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan mendeskripsikan: (1) Konstruksi maskulinitas pada majalah laki-laki gaya hidup FHM. Tujuan tersebut dilengkapi dengan penjelasan realitas sosial yang melatarbelakangi hadirnya majalah laki-laki FHM (global dan lokal/Indonesia); (2) Konstruksi maskulinitas pembaca terkait dengan maskulinitas FHM.
Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis dengan kajian teoretis pada teori konstruksi sosial atas realitas (termasuk juga teori interaksionisme simbolik, dramaturgi dan semiotika), teori media massa dan konstruksi sosial, audiens dan pengkonstruksian makna, majalah laki-laki, dan teori-teori maskulinitas (jender).
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan sasaran studi majalah FHM, pembaca FHM di kota Solo dan Yogya, reviu media (akses internet) serta buku-buku literatur. Reviu media serta buku-buku literatur tersebut dikaitkan dengan realitas sosial yang melatarbelakangi hadirnya majalah laki-laki gaya hidup secara umum di mana FHM merupakan salah satu diantaranya. Teknik sampling yang digunakan untuk studi majalah dan pembaca adalah purposive sampling.
Untuk majalah, dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik maximum variation terhadap rubrik-rubrik tetap yang menghadirkan maskulinitas yang kontradiktif dengan maskulinitas tradisional. Terbitan yang diperiksa adalah FHM edisi perdana (September 2003) s/d April 06. Hal ini dilakukan agar memperoleh gambaran variasi konstruksi maskulinitas yang secara konsisten disampaikan majalah melalui seluruh terbitannya.
The Term Paper on Hubungan Interdependensi Kompleks Amerika Serikat Dan China
The purpose of this paper it to examine US-‐China relation mostly in economy aspect and how the cooperation work while in the same time competition in spreading influence between two major power are exist. This paper also analyzed whether the US-‐China relation can be categorized as a complex interdependence. To analyze this case, the writer used complex interdependence concept from Robert ...
Setelah menemukan variasi maskulinitas tersebut peneliti membagi rubrik-rubrik tetap yang dimaksudkan ke dalam area-area maskulinitas yang mewakili mereka. Dalam masing-masing rubrik tetap, tidak semua artikel yang ada sepanjang terbitan yang diteliti akan diambil. Tapi akan diambil artikel tertentu yang dianggap peneliti memiliki variasi ‘teks’ paling lengkap yang ditujukan untuk dapat membahas maskulinitas tertentu secara lebih komprehensif.
Untuk pembaca dilakukan purposive sampling dengan kriteria pembaca yang membeli rutin majalah & minimal telah membaca selama setahun serta masih berlangsung sampai dengan saat penelitian berlangsung. Pencarian pembaca ini dilakukan melalui milis fhmindonesia, agen-agen majalah dan informasi yang diperoleh dari teman. Pengumpulan data untuk studi majalah dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis media yaitu menggunakan analisis wacana yang difokuskan pada jender. Sementara itu pengumpulan data untuk studi pembaca dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan berperan pasif (observasi).
Hasil-hasil penelitian dapat dikemukan sebagai berikut: (1) Studi terhadap majalah dan pembaca menunjukkan bahwa majalah laki-laki FHM menampilkan progressive masculinity (androgyn).
That is the masculinity which developes femininity. Yet this magazine still emphasizes the traditional masculinity.
The finding which shows the masculinity proggressivity (androgyn) is: (a) Manly character “Metrosexual” (body image area); (b) “The equality pattern in the interpersonal relationship between man and women (interpersonal area); (c) The character “Emotional Man” (emotional area); (d) The character “FashionedTechno Masculinity” (intellectual area); (e) The character “Caring Man” in the sexual relationship affairs (sexual area); (f) The lost of man’s role as a breadwinner/a maker a living (functional area).
The Term Paper on Necessary Evil for Men vs. Sexual Exploitation of Women
Abuse – transitive verb 1: to put to a wrong or improper use; 2: obsolete (deceive); 3: to use so as to injure or damage (maltreat); 4: to attack in words (revile). noun 1: a corrupt practice or custom; 2: improper or excessive use or treatment (misuse); a deceitful act (deception); 4: language that condemns or vilifies usually unjustly, intemperately, and angrily; 5: physical maltreatment. ...
The magazine presents the man’s image as “Single Blessedness Forever” owns a chance to wish of pleasure for himself and leads the exciting consumption activities; (g)
The masculinity with the character “Social Butterfly” (pleasure area).
(2) The progressive masculinity in the fixed rubric on sexual areas as mentioned above are also considered still emphasizing to the the traditional masculinity values: (a) Constructing manly/masculinity as a gender which is ‘having’ (‘to have’) relationship; (b) Constructing manly as a voyeur (a man obtains the sexual satisfaction from gazing woman’s sexual activities) and the texts of woman as a gazed object by man/male gazing. (3)
FHM magazine is born in the middle of the rising of a new gender which is called “Metrosexual” (women-oriented man) as the influence of the success of global feminist movement. (4) Studies on the readers shows that they objectivate the magazine’s masculinity. It means that readers accept the magazine progressive masculinity as an objective reality. The objectivation of magazine’s masculinity can not be separated from the individual masculinity experiences which are obtained through the socalization of family’s values, peer group, work surroundings, society dan the other media.
This matter explains two issues: the first, the magazine’s masculinity objectivation by the readers are always negosiated by individual experiences. The second, magazine’s masculinities is not a new issues at all for the readers, but it is already observed in the daily life (peer group, work surroundings, general society) and the socialization of the other media, so, refer to that explanations the magazine functions is empahasizing the masculinity.
Eventhough the magazine offers the new masculinity or the progressive masculinity at the same time, which looks contradictive against the traditional masculinity (which has been normalized), the interaction between the readers and the magazine is dynamic, a competition between push and pull. The interaction result is there is a push toward and a pulling the readers on masculinity which is offered by the magazine. (5) Studies on the readers also shows that readers objectivy traditional masculinity on sexual areas, which means that: (a)
The Essay on Masculinity Typical Of A Man
Masculinity The definition of masculinity; Is the fact of being a man or having qualities considered typical of a man. I was stuck in that sentence that what is the qualities considered typical of a man. What is the quality of man, what is considered as a typical of a man? 1. Identities According to Victor, since the 1960 s the challenges of feminism made men feel uneasy and confused about their ...
Manly/masculinity as a gender which is ‘having’ (‘to have’) relationship; (b) Manly as a voyeur (a man obtains the sexual satisfaction from gazing woman’s sexual activities) and the texts of woman as a gazed object by man/male gazing. (6) Masculinity is “a classed masculinity,” the objectivication toward the magazine’s masculinity can not happened absolutely because of the existence of some factors which are obstacles such as: economy, interest, necessity, job and marital status.