The article was about a drug called Ginkgo Biloba that is supposed to help your short-term memory. It works by thinning your blood so that it can pass through your clogged or narrow bloodstream. On the test, they used 202 men and women with mild to moderately severe dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease or stroke. On those taking ginkgo, only fifty percent showed improvements. Investigators are still not sure why ginkgo worked. They said it could have been something with the herb’s antioxidant properties.
As it referenced in the textbook, short-term memory retains information for thirty seconds or less on an average. The information that is retained usually converts into long-term memory or disintegrates. As people incur injuries to their head or brain, it makes it difficult to preserve their mental capacity to the maximum. With ginkgo, the supplement helps to enhance and transfer your short-term memory to your long-term memory.
I think there are more cons than pros on this supplement. Ginkgo is a supplement to help your short-term memory convert to long-term. You really shouldn’t need a pill to help you remember things. Maybe some people have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) that requires intake of this medication. It is also not proven to be one hundred percent safe. It may help you in the short run, but later in life it could really affect your health negatively. The pros to this supplement could be a possible cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
The Term Paper on Short Term Memory
Human memory is a major area of interest and study within the field of cognitive psychology and has been research intensively and is constantly being studied to establish new findings into the field of human memory. Quinlan & Dyson (2008). Many memory theorists have attempted to give their accounts of human memory systems by suggesting a number of Models in order to attempt to describe human ...
As a child less than a year old, I believe during that time is when I first had head injuries that may have led to my lack of a long-term memory. It had occurred when my family and I were attending an annual religious convention. I was left on the hood of our car while my mother went to grab a new diaper. By leaving me a alone with my older sister, who wasn’t paying much attention, I rolled around on the car and fell off to the ground. Since then, my thoughts and memories have been affected negatively.
In conclusion, ginkgo has proven to enhance memory capability, hover it may not be affective for everyone. This supplement still is under a lot of testing to ensure that it meets regulations for safety reasons for the public. As of right now there is still no known cure to be one hundred percent affective for short-term memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease.