Companies are faced with ethical discrimation. Hiring an employee has always been a major thing for the company, givin them a choice to choose two different people with the same qualifications always makes it hard of the company to choose the person that they feel is right for them. Companies are always face with providing quality and custemer service for the consumer. They must provide equal employement opportunities to job finders. Companies often break that equality between people and go with what An example of discrimination would be television networks. The four major broadcast networks are beefing up their minority of hiring initiatives in response to harsh criticism and treats from the national association for the advancement of colorded people. Normative ethics is being used because many questions are being raised if its right or wrong.
For instance the roles of colored people on television or in the theater have not used a large number of colored people in leading roles. The question being here rather not its due to minorities status or what the roles call for. It dis-effects society in a varity of ways, one way of approaching the issue is to say that if minorities view the media and do not see minorities on the network shows this might provoke them to want and try to break into this business, as to get their goals and views across. Backtrack now, and lets approach the situation differently. Suppose minorities do not see other minorities in the media, this might discourage them to not attempt to break into the business causing the number of minorites to decrease on the Companies should improve their performance so they can measure up to the custemer demand. They sould follow rules and advertise their company in such a manner, that will attract people in a postive way. Not take any actions that would put their reputation in jeoperdy, and cause them any law problems and effect their reputation or
The Essay on Internet Inventions People Mail Networks
Internet Inventions Several inventions have changed the way people communicate with each other. From the old fashioned telegraph to today's modern electronic forms of communicating, people have been creating easier ways to correspond. Electronic communication, such as e-mail and other internet offerings, have created a cheap and incredibly fast communications system which is gaining steady ...
Essya on on companies rejection minorities to work for them.