Life brings different things to different people. I can say that life has treated me well. It has often rendered my path of good things with seldom-bad effects but so far the effects of the small in differences haven’t threatened my ability to go on living. There are some things that I have earned from time but others that have been with me throughout.
Live has given me special gifts, each of which has contributed to who or what my position might be. I have a wonderful family, who is loving and always there for me. My boyfriend, has been a part of my life for 4 years. He has been one of the most prominent and influential people in my life.
He has accepted me through change and everything. I have had the same best friend since I was 5, and he’s also helped me grow to be who I am today. I have many talents. I have been singing since I was 5 years old. I’ve played the piano since I was 8. I’ve been a cheerleader since I was 9.
I am still a cheerleader, Varsity Cheerleader. I still occasionally play the piano, and I love to sing, and always will, it’s my favorite pastime. I will always be who I am, although that does involve me changing. Everything above has contributed to what my position is. Life creates an opportunity, opportunity created by how one lives his or her own life, which creates my position. Point being, is what one makes of his or her life determines the various positions one may experience..