The development of this strategic plan was done in a highly consultative process involving key stakeholders, within and outside NMK. This was done so as to ensure that it incorporates all constructive views and suggestions from all key stakeholders, builds on the current NMK’s gains and strengths, and contributes substantially to the development of the country. It is envisaged that, through this strategy, the interventions proposed will play a key role in improving livelihoods, promoting conservation and sustainable utilization of national heritage leading to realization of significant improvement in the standard of living of Kenyans. I take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in the development of this Strategic Plan.
Special appreciation goes to the Ministry of State for National Heritage and Culture for the continued support in development of this Strategic Plan, the Board members of NMK Management and staff as well as Topridas Consultancy for successfully steering the planning process to its conclusion. Dr. Idle O. Farah Director General vi National Museums of Kenya
The NMK has prepared this Strategic Plan covering the period 2009-2014 in compliance with the Government directive for all Ministries and Semi- Autonomous Government Agencies to revise their strategic plans to align them with the recently launched Vision 2030 and its first Medium Term Plan for the period 2008-2012. The Strategic Plan is aimed at positioning the NMK strategically in facilitating heritage management and socioeconomic development of the Kenyan population leading to contribution towards the delivery of the 10% annual economic growth rate envisaged under the economic pillar of Vision 2030. The Strategic Plan was developed through a highly consultative process involving all key stakeholders within and outside NMK. Alignment and Contribution to the National and global initiatives The development of this NMK Strategic Plan was guided by the Vision 2030 and its Medium Term Plan as interpreted by Research, Innovation and Technology
The Business plan on STRATEGIC PLAN PAPER
Executive SummaryThe strategic plan for the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), National Targeting Center (NTC) was established on October 21, 2001 in direct response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11. It has become the preeminent anti-terrorism facility to keep terrorism at arm's length by screening people before they arrive in the United States.Company ...
Sector, Tourism Sector, Ministry of State for National Heritage and Culture, Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030, Ministry of Finance and other relevant Sectors and Government ministries. The strategy has incorporated all the relevant strategic thrusts and the social and economic policy proposals contained in Vision 2030. To facilitate the identification of NMK’s position in relation to the demands from its clients, a detailed internal and external environmental scan was undertaken to identify its strengths and weaknesses as well as the available and emerging opportunities and threats that are likely to have significant impact on the institution in the next five years.
A detailed stakeholder analysis was also conducted to identify the interests, roles/ responsibilities, comparative advantages and contribution of the various stakeholders in the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan. The NMK is a knowledge, information and technology generating institution. This Strategic Plan has taken into account the role of science, technology and innovation in a modern economy, in which new knowledge plays a central role in wealth creation, social welfare and international competitiveness. In view of this, the Strategic Plan is expected to enable NMK contribute significantly to the attainment of the strategic objective of the Research, Innovation and Technology Sector. From the global perspective, the strategy is in line with the Millennium Development Goals.