The lessons are divided into the three specific exam contents Unit A, Unit B & Unit C. You can study the units in any order so you may wish to start off with familiar topics to help you get into study mode. The first step will be to decide which unit you wish to study first. I would recommend studying one unit then sitting the exam for that unit and then move on to the next one. This means that you have only a small fraction of information to remember and retain for the exams. It can be a lot to sit all exams in one exam period as you then have 30 lessons to read through and sit the exams in three consecutive days. You can study the lessons in your chosen unit in any order you choose.
Please also note that as well as the time spent studying the course materials there is also the private reading requirement where you will need to research items you think you need more information on and a time to study case laws and studies as well as legislation as a diploma answer in an exam should not only answer the question but prove your knowledge by backing it up.
There are PDFs of the separate Unit Lessons, Unit A PDF is after the last lesson under the Unit A heading, the same with B & C PDF’s. These can be downloaded to your computer and read when you cannot access the internet or they can be printed off so you can highlight the important points (from the syllabus – on the main topic outline page) and make notes on – always beneficial for revision.
The Research paper on High School Study Exam Strategies
Metacognition has been defined as "having knowledge (cognition) and having understanding, control over, and appropriate use of that knowledge" (Tei and Stewart; as cited by Collins, 1994, p. 2). Wellman (as cited by Berk, 1997) refers to metacognitive knowledge as being made up of four interrelated component: knowledge of self, task, strategies and interaction. The conscious control over and use ...
To access a lesson just click on its title and you will be shown the first page of that lesson. The first page will tell you what you should be learning from this lesson. Once you have read through this then click the continue button at the bottom, to move to the next page. There will be questions throughout the lessons as little reminders of what you have just read. Once these are answered correctly you will be allowed to move to the next page. If you do not answer them correctly you will get another go (another useful revision method).
There are grades assigned to the questions but these are just for your own use and do not go towards your final results (this is just from the three written exams and the practical) If you take more than one attempt to answer the question then the system will take this into account when the scoring is calculated so even though you get all the questions correct you may not score 100% and this may be the reason why.
As this is elearning, the students fit their studies in around their working and home life so there is no set timeframe for you to have completed a particular section. As long as you have fully completed the course within the scheduled five year sign up period you can study as slowly or as quickly as you like.
The first page of each lesson gives you the recommended study time for that particular lesson. This will allow you to put together your own study program. So if you have a particular exam period in mind this will allow you to see how many hours worth of study you have to do in that period. You can then work out how many hours you would need to study each week in order to fully cover the course content.
We have end of unit questions to attempt after each lessons (found in the resources section
along the right hand side of the screen on the main topic outline page).
These are optional but could be a good revision method.
The Term Paper on Unit of Study: How Does a Good Reader Select a Book?
Unit of Study: How does a good reader select a book? Lyon Terry 2nd Grade Teacher Lawton Elementary [email protected] 2nd Grade Lesson Progression to introduce a classroom leveled library and “Just Right” Books. This is by no means an all-inclusive set of lessons, but it will get kids to understand how to use a classroom leveled library. Throughout all of these lessons I am furiously ...
We have included past exam papers and examiners reports for all Units from different years. Past question papers are a valuable revision tool.
The exams are run every year in January and July.
When an exam registration period opens the students eligible to sit an exam will be contacted to ask if they wish to sit an exam at the next exam period. If you do then reply but if you are not quite ready then simply do not reply.
You can either sit one exam at a time or you can sit all three in one exam period. It is recommended that students sit one exam at an exam period as the diploma exams are not easy and it can be very difficult to try and remember information from 30 lessons. So you could study all of Unit A lessons (there are 10) and sit the Unit A exam. You can then move onto studying Unit B lessons (once again there are 10) and sit the Unit B exam at the next exam period in 6 months time. Then do Unit C six months after that. So if you do not have a set schedule of study and you think it might be a bit much to try and remember content from all 30 lessons then this is an option available to you.
Once all lessons have been studied then you can look at registering for the Unit D (the practical assessment) The details of the Unit D are already on the main topic outline page for students to access whenever they choose. It is recommended to undertake the Unit D once all other units have been studied as the Unit D incorporates all the theory learned in A, B & C and puts it into a practical application. Those who undertake the Unit D before reading through other units will be at a disadvantage.