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The Research paper on Home Schooling Study School Research
Abstract: Home schooling is one of the oldest school choice options available to parents and their children; however, it is not often regarded as a school choice option, nor has there been much review of how the advent of school choice may be affecting home schooling. According to widely-repeated estimates, as many as two million American children are schooled at home, with the number growing as ...
Boscolo, M. and J.R. Vincent. In press. Promoting better logging practices in tropical forests: A simulation analysis of alternative regulations. Land Economics. Boscolo M., S. Kerr, A. Pfaff, and A. Sanchez. 1999. What Role for Tropical Forests in Climate Change Mitigation? The Case of Costa Rica. Development Discussion Paper No. 675, Central America Project Series, Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University. Boscolo, M., J.R. Vincent, and T. Panayotou. 1998. Discounting costs and benefits in carbon sequestration projects. Development Discussion Paper No. 638, Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University. Boscolo, M., J. Buongiorno, and T. Panayotou. 1997. Simulating options for carbon sequestration through improved management of a lowland tropical rainforest. Environment and Development Economics 2(3): 239-261. Boscolo, M. and J. Buongiorno. 1997. Managing a tropical rainforest for timber, carbon storage and tree diversity. Commonwealth Forestry Review 76(4): 246-254. Brokaw, N. V. L., A. A. Whitman, R. Wilson, J. M. Hagan, N. Bird, E. P. Mallory, L. K. Snook, P. J. Martins, D. Novelo, D. White, and E. Losos. 1998. Toward sustainable forestry in Belize. Pp. 225-239 in R. B. Primack, D. Bray, H. A. Galletti, and I. Ponciano (eds.).
The Essay on Rain Forest Forests Tropical Trees
As much as people like to belive they know what a "rain forest" is, the truth of the matter is one in which not even professionals that deal with the forests on a daily basis can surmise with articles and essays. As we look deeper and deeper into the intricate systems of our worlds rain forests, we must first differentiate between forests, explorer the immense significant's each role plays, and to ...
Timber, Tourists, and Temples: Conservation and Development in the Maya Forest of Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico. Island Press, Washington, D.C. Bruelmann, G., K. Ogino, I. Ninomiya, P.S. Ashton, J.V. LaFrankie, U.S. Leffler, V. Weckert, H. Leith, R. Konschak, B. Markert. 1998. Chemical characterization of Dipterocarpaceae by use of chemical fingerprinting – a multi-element approach at Sarawak, Malaysia. The Science of the Total Environment 215:85-100. Bunyavejchewin, S., J.V. LaFrankie, P.S. Ashton. In preparation. The 50-ha plot at Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary Thailand: Methods, maps, and tables. CTFS Research Pamphlet Number 2. Bunyavejchewin, S., J.V. LaFrankie, P. Pattapong, M. Kanzaki, A. Itoh, T. Yamakura, and P.S. Ashton. 1998. Topographic analysis of a large-scale research plot in seasonal dry evergreen forest at Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Tropics 8 (1/2): 45-60. Chai, E.O.K., H.S. Lee, and T. Yamakura. 1995. Preliminary results of the 52 ha long-term ecological research plot at Lambir National Park, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. Pp. 42-60 in H.S. Lee, P.S. Ashton, and K.Ogino (Eds.).
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The Term Paper on Invasion of Secondary Forest by a nonnative grass species: Microstegium vimineum.
The invasion of plant communities by non-native species is a great concern in ecological management. Invasive plant species can decrease biodiversity, change soil composition, increase the intensity or frequency of fire, release plant pathogens, alter food web dynamics, and influence nitrogen deposition in established native communities (Hobbs and Humphries 1995; Young and Powers 1999; Ehrenfeld, ...
Forest Biodiversity Research, Monitoring and Modeling: Conceptual Background and Old World Case Studies. Man and the Biosphere Series, Volume 20. Paris, France: Parthenon Publishing. Condit, R. 1997. Cambios en un bosque tropical con un clima cambiante: resultados de los censos realizados en la parcela de 50 hectareas en la isla de Barro Colorado en Panama. Pp. 231-240 in R. Valencia and H. Balslev (Eds.) Estudios sobre Diversidad y Ecologia de Plantas: Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Botanica. Quito, Ecuador: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador. Condit, R., R. Perez, and S. Aguilar. 1993. Modelos para la utilizacion sostenible de los recursos forestales nativos de Panama. Pp. 218-232 in Desarrollo Sostenible: Panama ante el desafio global, Proyecto UNESCO-Alemania 507/RLA/10. Poligrafica, S.A. Panama. Condit, R., P. Ashton, P. Baker, S. Bunyavejchewin, S. Gunatilleke, N. Gunatilleke, S. Hubbell, R. Foster, A. Itoh, J. LaFrankie, L. Hua Seng, E. Losos, N. Manokaran, R. Sukumar, T. Yamakura. In review. Spatial patterns in the distribution of common and rare tropical tree species: A test from large plots in six different forests. Condit, R., R. Sukumar, S.P. Hubbell, R.
Foster. 1998. Predicting population trends from size distributions: A direct test in a tropical tree community. The American Naturalist 152(4): 495-509. Condit, R. 1998. Ecological implications of changes in drought patterns: shifts in forest composition in Panama. Climatic Change 39: 413-427. Condit, R. 1997. Forest turnover, diversity, and CO2. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12(2):249. Condit, R. 1996. Defining and mapping vegetation types in mega-diverse tropical forests. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11(1): 4-5. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1996. Assessing the response of plant functional types in tropical forests to climate change. Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 405-416. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1996. Changes in tree species abundance in a neotropical forest: Impact of climate change. Journal of Tropical Ecology 12: 231-256. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, J.V. LaFrankie, R. Sukumar, N. Manokaran, R.B. Foster, and P. Ashton. 1996. Species-area and species-individual relationships for tropical trees: a comparison of three 50-ha plots. Journal of Ecology 84: 549-562. Condit, R. 1995. Research in large, long-term tropical forest plots. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10(1): 18-22.
The Term Paper on Rain Forest Tropical Rainforest
The Rain Forest The destruction of the rainforest is a problem that the people of the world can not continue to ignore. 14 percent of the Earth's land used to be covered by rainforests yet this number has dropped significantly to only about 6 percent (web). Rainforests provide the people of the world with many necessities, some of which would no longer be available if rainforests did not exist. In ...
Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1995. Demography and harvest potential of Latin American timber species: Data from a large, permanent plot in Panama. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 7(4): 599-622. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1995. Mortality rates of 205 neotropical trees and shrub species and the impact of a severe drought. Ecological Monographs 65(4): 419-439. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1994. Density dependence in two understory tree species in a neotropical forest. Ecology 74(3):671-680. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1993. Identifying fast-growing native trees from the neotropics using data from a large, permanent plot. Forestry Ecology and Management 62: 123-143. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1993. Mortality and growth of a commercial hardwood, “El Cativo,” Prioria copaifera, in Panama. Forestry Ecology and Management 62: 107-122. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1992. Recruitment near conspecific adults and the maintenance of tree and shrub diversity in a neotropical forest. American Naturalist 140(2): 261-286. Condit, R., S.P. Hubbell, and R.B. Foster. 1992. Short-term dynamics of a neotropical forest: Change within limits.
Bioscience 42(11): 822-828. Corlett, R. and J.V. LaFrankie. 1998. Potential impacts of climate change on tropical Asian forests through an influence on phenology. Climatic Change 39: 439-453. Dalling, J.W., S.P. Hubbell, and K. Silvera. 1998. Seed dispersal, seedling establishment and gap partitioning among tropical pioneer trees. Journal of Ecology 86:674-689. Dalling, J.W., M.D. Swaine, and N.C. Garwood. 1998. Dispersal patterns and seed bank dynamics of pioneer tree species in moist tropical forest, Panama. Ecology 79: 564-578. Dalling, J.W., M.D. Swaine, and N.C. Garwood. 1997. Soil seed bank community dynamics in seasonally moist lowland forest, Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology 13: 659-680. Davies, S.J. In review. Tree mortality and growth in 11 sympatric Macaranga species in Borneo. Ecology. Davies, S.J., P.S. Ashton, and H.S. Lee. 1995. Pioneer trees of the genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) in Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. In H.S. Lee and A. Hamid (Eds.).
The Term Paper on Benefits Of Forest Resources
A forest, also referred to as a wood or the woods, is an area with a high density of trees. As with cities, depending on various cultural definitions, what is considered a forest may vary significantly in size and have different classifications according to how and of what the forest is composed. A forest is usually an area filled with trees but any tall densely packed area of vegetation may be ...
Proceedings of Workshop on Long-Term Ecological Research in Relation to Forest Ecosystem Management. Kuching, Sarawak. Davies, S.J. 1999. New species of Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) from Borneo. Kew Bulletin 54: 147-154. Davies, S.J. & P.S. Ashton. 1999. Phenology and fecundity in 11 sympatric pioneer species of Macaranga in Borneo. American Journal of Botany 86(12): 1786-1795. Davies, S.T., P.A. Palmiotto, P.S. Ashton, H.S. Lee, and J.V. LaFrankie. 1998. Comparative ecology of 11 sympatric species of Macaranga in Borneo: tree distribution in relation to horizontal and vertical resource heterogeneity. Journal of Ecology 86: 622-673. Davies, S.J. 1998. Photosynthetic characteristics of nine early-successional Macaranga species from Borneo in relation to life-history traits. Ecology 79: 2292-2308. Ercelawn, A.C. 1998. Forest dynamics in a 2 ha long-term plot at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore. Ph.D. thesis, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Ercelawn, A.C., J.V. LaFrankie, S.K. Lum, and S.K Lee. 1998. Short-term recruitment in a forest fragment in Singapore. Tropics 8(1): 1-11. Ercelawn, A.C. 1998. Is our oldest forest dying? Nature Watch 6(1): 18-22. Forget, P.M., D. Kitajima, and R. B. Foster. In press. Spatiotemporal pattern in pre- and post-dispersal seed predation in Tachigali versicolor (Caesalpiniaceae).
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The Essay on Closed Single Canopy Forest Trees Tree Felt
As I walked through the orange gates at the McDonald Research Forest, I didn't really know what to expect. It actually turned out to be a unique and interesting experience. Since I haven't put much thought into forestry and the different types that exist, this field trip definitely broadened my horizons. Most of the forest types I visited were among the five that were to be managed in the new ...
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