The No Child Left Behind Act, a federal social program that tries to encourages after school programs should be eliminated and the extra funds given to schools to decide where it goes. The NCLB Act, “was designed to improve education and achievement in America’s schools in four clearly defined ways: accountability for results, an emphasis on doing what works based on scientific research, expanded parental options and expanded local control flexibility.” Basically the federal government funds schools for after-school programs to try to encourage school participation among students and reduce dropping out of school. Examples of after-school programs funded by the NCLB act are first and foremost tutoring, then extra-curricular activities such as sports, community service etc. Problems/need The NCLB Act is not effective because of the current situation of state governments calling certain schools “failures” because of their low exam scores, thereby reducing funding to the school. If the federal government is funding the NCLB Act for after school programs, it would seem that it was funding a non-effective program. I have broken down the consequences as follows. -Low test scores, school gets reduced funding and put “under state review.” -Teachers fired, less motive for students to stay in school.
The Essay on The Adopt-A-School Program Reaction Paper
The Adopt-A-School Program, which started in 1998, was created to help generate investments and support to education outside the mainstream funding and the national budget. Under the program, legally instituted by the passage of Republic Act No. 8525 also known as “Adopt-a-School Act of 1998”, private entities, either local or overseas are given the opportunity to become partners in education ...
School’s curriculum is ineffective. -Meaning more money would have to be spent on the NCLB Act for it to compensate the loss of the school’s own after-school programs. -So failing a school, based on government standards, just to spend more on it? Digging their own trap hole. Policy Proposals Based on my understanding of the education that I have received and the changes that I have witnessed, there are many alternatives to the NCLB Act, some of which I shall explain below. -Focus on strengthening the curriculum. Subjects should help student in the future. Introduction of GE courses in high school, instead of introducing GE courses in college.
If students get GE’s in high school they can figure out their weaknesses and strengths early on in their lives and also figure what they want do with their lives and increase their chances of going to college instead of graduating with only a HS diploma. -Use excess money from the NCLB Act to assist in creating their own after school programs..