The question of energy use in the world is one which posses many conflicting views. There are so many different arguments that my personal view is one that changes with every article I read. In the most recent readings regarding nuclear power and its pros and cons I have been led to the opinion that nuclear energy is necessary to the survival of a world that has an increasing need for energy. The worlds fossil fuels will eventually diminish or become way too expensive due to supply and demand. I feel it is vital to research nuclear energy so when the time dawns the situation will be in a stable and advanced stage. The article by Bertram Wolf supporting nuclear energy had some good points in it. He explains that there is a growing need for energy and at the same time oil and other fossil fuels are depleting.
For now fossil fuels satisfy the present but will not be able to do the same in the future. The assumption has been made that the worlds oil supply will last from 35-84 years based on whether they can find more deposits. Its in our best interests to search for alternate sources of energy and we have definitely advanced in nuclear energy despite all the criticism and controversy. There are those who are stuck on the nuclear nightmares and horror stories of the past that it makes nuclear research unfavorable. Nuclear accidents like the one at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island are lessons to be learned from not reasons to boycott nuclear power. In the reading in the text it stated that nuclear plants cause 6,000 premature deaths vs. the 65,000 to 200,000 deaths per year caused by coal burning plants.
The Essay on Nuclear Energy 5
... and are much more energy-productive than fossil fuels. Therefore, nuclear energy is considered sustainable enough to provide energy security to the entire world, which is “ (a) ... reliable, stable and sustainable supply of energy ...
On another level nuclear energy has an environmental benefit such as the reduction of air pollution, which is caused by burning fossil fuels. Along with that theres the issue of global warming caused by the carbon dioxide emitted when the fossil fuels are burned. Despite the nuclear waste, which is an existing problem, nuclear energy is cleaner and is an improvement on the existing air pollution problem. nuclear waste is one issue that is always criticized; high level radioactive waste takes 10,000 240,000 years before it decays. I feel that this is a serious issue that needs more attention. If stored properly with intense care and most serious caution it would be less of a threat.
Presently the favored option is to bury the waste deep beneath the ground, but hopefully with time and research scientist will discover disposal methods that offer more security. But to date there is no politically or environmentally sound solution to nuclear waste storage. If handled properly the waste posses no to the health of people or pollution to the environment. It is my belief that nuclear power is an important source of energy that must not be left till the last minute as a last resort. We need to invest more time in making nuclear energy a thing of the present not just the future.