Having a college degree has a strong positive effect on many aspects of life. With every year of college you complete your career options increase along with many opportunities. By obtaining a college degree your yearly income will increase, more job opportunities will come, and the knowledge you will gain will last forever. Studies show that people with an associate degree earn up to 25% more each year than someone who is doing the same job without a degree. With a college degree, you will receive more promotions and raises in your pay. With your yearly income being increased there will be more benefits for you and your family.
Taking that first step in earning your degree will open the door of opportunity to you in ways that will increase your potential in landing a great job in the field of preferred study. Many jobs prefer hiring some with a college of some sort and most jobs requires that most candidates have at least an associates degree. The more knowledge you have will you have will only increase your chances of success. Because of having a degree ensures you have a more detailed understanding of your field. The more knowledge and experience you have, the more willing employer is to give you better position in the company.
By getting a college degree you will have the pleasure of knowing that you took the steps that were necessary to better educate yourself and better your future. Knowing that you have earned tour degree gives you a sense of pride. By obtaining your degree you have stepped into a whole new career part of the world. So by obtaining a college degree makes you a more value person and creates opportunities for your future. The critical thinking and reasoning skills you learn in college will stay with you for a lifetime. Only you have the ability to decide how much you want to learn and where you want that knowledge to take you.
The Essay on Mba Degree Business Graduates Increased
According to a USA Today article, top three reasons why students pursue MBA degrees are increased career options, to develop management and technical skills and to increase earnings. All three of these factors played a role in my personal decision to pursue a MBA degree. Historically obtaining a MBA degree has increased career opportunities for graduates. MBA gradates enjoy "higher starting ...