Choosing a daycare center for your child is one of the most important decisions for many parents. Parents have the option of in-home daycares or business daycares. In-home daycare will give your child a more personal care as opposed to business daycares. Some of the differences may surprise you. In-home daycares tend to have fewer children and will be more geared toward the personal need of each child. Children at these facilities tend to be more friendly and less demanding. There is more one on one time for each child; therefore the child learns more.
This type of daycare seems to have more of a family atmosphere and a better influence on children. They have less common colds and germs due to the lack of people coming and going from the facility. When it comes to dropping in to check on your child these types of daycare are very flexible with their rules. In-home daycares are much better when it comes to learning the things needed for kindergarten because the child has that one on one time with the worker. The cost is definitely a lot better and more flexible as to when you can pay. In-home daycares slowly introduce children to lying down and taking a nap, even if this means rocking, patting backs or rubbing hair. They dont force a child to lie down.
Most in-home daycares dont hire outsiders to help them work. Its usually a family based operation. Business daycares seem to be less in tune with the childs needs and wants. It seems as though these daycares are open only for the money and not for the care of the child. At most business daycares the children are more aggressive due to the amount of children and the amount of worker to child ratio. The atmospheres at these places seem to be more business like and not very child friendly.
The Essay on Children Are Put Into Daycare Home Learn Child
Is Daycare A Viable Alternative Young families today face many tough decisions. Financially it is almost imperative that both adult members of the family work. With this a reality can one rest assured that their children are being taken care of properly Health, socialization, and morals are just a few things that influence the decision that one has to make as to whether or not to place children in ...
Most children are restricted to certain areas and things that they can play with. This leads to the child learning less and with out a clear understanding for the curriculum for school. Places like these tend to have more people coming and going this leads to more germs and common cold and flu. Some rooms that these daycare facilities have are cluttered and very hazardous to toddlers just learning to walk, this leads to more injuries and dangers. When it comes to taking naps at these daycares some have attendants that use force to hold a child down saying that its their way of teaching a new child to take a nap. Places like these hire outsiders and usually dont do back ground checks, reference checks or give a time period to watch these workers to see if they have the right temperament for the job. They have strict rules about when the parents can drop in and check on their child. Which makes you wonder if the places are hiding something.
Neither of these facilities are required by law to tell you what kind of discipline they use on your child. Makes you wonder. In conclusion and in my opinion and experience I tend to lean toward the in home daycares. They give the child more love and attention that they need. The child learns more and their behavior is better..