TO THE RATER: This form has been developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Practicum program by identifying its strengths and weaknesses and soliciting suggestions for improvements. Kindly rate each item by placing a cross (X) on the box that corresponds to the item. Thank you very much for your time and support for the practicum program.
1. Market oneself effectively
a. Learn the actual job-application process
b. Learn to prepare effective resume
c. Learn to dress in proper business attire
d. Learn to prepare for a successful job interview
e. Learn how to pass job-application exams
2. Work with others effectively
a. Understand the proper way of communications
b. Know the DOs and DON’Ts in the workplace
c. Know the common workplace issues and concerns
d. Understand the different functions and roles of people and persons in the practicum site/department/company
3. Be useful and active player of the company and acquire actual experience in computer science applications
a. Contribute to the operations of the practicum site/department/company
b. Analyze the practicum site/department/company processes and procedures
c. Design alternatives or improvements of the processes and procedures of the practicum site/department/company based on careful and justifiable analysis and come up with recommended course of actions
d. Communicate and propose properly and effectively the proposal to the right person
The Term Paper on Sam Wal Company Walmart Department
Walmart is a highly successful discount store based in whole on its founders beliefs and convictions. Sam Walton wanted to make a difference amongst the retail dynasty. A great foundation was implemented for his customers, associates, and community. These beliefs are what today still keeps the store sky rocketing to successful measures. Walmart first department stores opened in a small lower ...
4. Understand the basic issues and concerns that the practicum site/department/company faces such as salary increase, unions, employee benefits and the like.
5. Establish contacts and network of friends within the practicum site/department/company for future job placement.
6. Establish good communications and relations between practicum supervisor and practicum coordinator.
7. Share effectively the experiences both positive and negative to the practicum class.
8. Prepare a comprehensive and professional PRACTICUM REPORT.
1. Orient the student on the nature and objectives of the practicum, accredited practicum sites and some other important topics such as company policies and regulations, preparation for an interview, proper dress code and behavior.
2. Assist the students in their practicum application and provide the necessary practicum documents.
3. Serve as a liaison and resource person both for the students and the practicum site supervisor in assisting students and monitoring their performance.
4. Create and maintain an electronic group or e-mail and other communication means to maximize the use of the information and communication technology for posting announcements, updates and communications to the students and the practicum site supervisors.
5. Monitor the activities of the students through visits and consultation with the practicum site supervisor and conduct regular meetings for feedbacks, sharing or experience and discussion of the other important topics.
6. Evaluate the performance of the students in consultation with the practicum site supervisor.
1. Capacity to provide substantive learning experiences in information and communication technology (ICT).
2. Ability to develop the student’s ability to function in a team environment, gain organization and communication skills, understand professional and ethical responsibilities, promote initiative, innovation and excellence, and to foster life-long learning.
3. Possible employment and career opportunities.
4. Proximity of site/Convenience of site
The Research paper on Helping Students Improve Citation Performance
DURING MY FINAL YEAR in graduate school, I began teaching business communication. Without much forethought, I asked students to write a report with a sources requirement. When students turned their reports in, I learned that we were worlds apart on the practice of citing such sources. As a student in a rarefied academic environment, I wrote with proper citations. My students did not. I spent ...
5. Availability of the practicum supervisor for supervision and performance evaluation
6. Availability of practicum benefits such as transportation allowance, meal allowance, etc.