When an organization uses and relies on computer systems and information technology to assist in running their company(s) and also uses these resources to store important, personal information about clients, customers, employees, and the organization itself, it is important to have the adequate security protection in place to prevent this information from being compromised. The following summary will discuss how IBM prevents security breaches by using technology to reduce the rampant crime committed against them. IBM’s Security Measures The International Business Machines (IBM) is an American multinational technology and consulting corporation that manufactures and markets computer hardware and software, and offers infrastructure, hosting and constructing services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. The total revenue for 2013 was 99.751 billion dollars, and employed 431,212 (2013, Reuters), which is why it is important for them to have security covering every aspect of their company.
In addition to their already proven security services portfolio, IBM is now including new enhanced intelligence tools and services that provide deeper, real-time analysis of advanced threats. These services can help organizations make rapid decisions to prevent security breaches from impacting the business, by detecting outlying behavior and threading together diverse contextual data. There are sources such as the Cloud, mobile computing applications, and social media that has critical information that can affect company’s security profile, so according to the vice president of IBM’s Security Services Marisa Viveros, “The company is using analytics to anticipate threats as they appear instead of after the fact”. Listed below is a chart of the IBM analytics tools and services. New Suspicious Host Dashboard
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Before discussing the role of consulting service firms in procurement of Information Technology resources and solutions, we will first describe some rules of thumb that dictate the selection process for aforesaid purpose. The basic rule is “the simpler the better”, but this often leads to oversimplification of complex tasks (Braley, 2009) and we must avoid wastage of time and resources that occurs ...
Provides real-time identification of advanced threats. Uses firewall logs, threat intelligence feeds, intrusion detection & prevention events. Automatically identifies & prioritizes the most severe threats before they impact business functionality. New IP Intelligence Report
Provides on-demand analysis of individual IP addresses in a one-page report that contains a deep dive analysis on the threats posed, vulnerabilities that exist & remediation activities under way. The report also gives clients & IBM Threat Analysts increased visibility while reducing the time & complexity of analyzing multiple data sets. Enhanced Automated Intelligence (AI) Correlation Engine
Enables IBM to chain together alerts from multiple service offerings to identify sequences of activity that equate to higher severity incidents. These correlated alerts validate the severity of threats by identifying advanced threats that target customers or attack activities across the entire managed security services (MSS) customer data set. New IP Center Dashboard
Provides IBM threat analysts enhanced query capabilities across the MSS customer data set, enabling faster profiling of suspected attackers, returning a breakdown of the customers & industries affected, the attacks delivered as well as a threat score. IBM threat analysts can perform checks to validate the severity of circumstances, streamlining the prioritization of remediation activities.
These tools and services offer around-the-clock security monitoring that identifies and helps prevent threats. IBM monitors 13 billion security events per day in more than 130 countries, and has been in the security business for over 50 years (ProQuest, 2011).
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Availability Availability assures that a system’s authorized users have timely and uninterrupted access to the information in the system and to the network. Other important terms Also important to network security are the following four C-I-A–related terms: ? Identification—The act of a user professing an identity to the system, such as a logon ID ? Authentication—Verification that the user’s ...
ProQuest.com. (Dec 1, 2011) Security Portfolio/Analytics Tools Prevent Breaches. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/906639289?pq-
Reuters.com. (2012-2013) IBM Company Overview. Retrieved from http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/companyprofile?/symbol=ibm