The courage and human compassionate that Daru showed towards the Arab prisoner is commendable on all levels. Some people might have considered Daru justified in neglecting and even abusing the prisoner. Instead he treats the man as a guest. He provides him with adequate food and shelter and even comfortable amenities.
The two men live in friendly cohabitation for the prisoner’s entire stay at Daru’s house. One would assume that the prisoner was reasonably terrified at his capture and was extremely uncomfortable being away from his home and his family. Instead of making the situation worse by treating the prisoner as an animal, Daru made the prisoner’s captivity almost comfortable (if imprisonment could be called such a thing. ) Instead of punishing the prisoner for his past wrongs, which might have made him bitter and violent, Daru rehabilitated the prisoner. He taught him values such as patience, kindness, and generosity from example. His success in doing so was illustrated through the prisoner’s decision to attend his trial instead of going to live freely with the nomads.
Daru treated the prisoner as a man, with dignity, and not as an animal; thus, this was exactly how the man acted. He made the right moral choice because he had learned good morals from the schoolteacher. In the end of the story, Daru’s life is threatened by the kin of the very person he protected; it appears as if his kindness has gone unmerited. This, perhaps, is true in an earthly sense. However, there are martyrs for every cause, and it is said that martyrs hold a special place in heaven. In a sense, Daru can die with the satisfaction of knowing that he made a difference in the life of one person.
The Dissertation on Global Warming Is It Man-Made or Mother Nature
Global Warming Is It Man-made or Mother Nature or Both? Rowena R. Chaple Ashford University Dependency of Man on the Environment SCI 207: Mr. Bryan Lombard August 29, 2010 Global Warming - Is It Man-Made or Mother Nature or Both? Even though some people are skeptics and believe global warming is just a smoke screen or an environmental fad to get the government to fund programs for useless research ...
While some may consider this a minuscule consolation in the face of death, it is exactly the kind of thing that would be most important to someone with such high moral standards as Daru. He was taking a risk in treating a prisoner with kindness; he was taking a greater risk in giving the prisoner the option to go free. He acknowledged the fact that he would potentially have to pay a consequence for his kindness, but chose to do what was morally correct in the face of danger. Ultimately, Daru’s fate is unimportant with regard the question of whether or not he acted morally. If anything, his impending demise reaffirms the readers respect for Daru’s boundless courage and compassion. His actions set an example for Christian readers everywhere..