Professional Values and Ethics 1) Accepting a gift worth under $10 from a client, on the part of social worker, is absolutely unacceptable, because it will be interpreted as receiving a bribe, if discovered. The gifts actual worth does not have any importance. If social worker accepts personal gift because he thinks that gifts low monetary value does not imply any personal obligations, in regards to a client, it means that social worker is not just susceptible to corruption, but also not very smart. Any clients attempt to present social worker with the gift should be thought of within a context of client trying to bribe governments official. 2) Accepting a client’s invitation to a special occasion is also intolerable, because it creates the conflict of interests. The acceptance of such invitation might be interpreted by the client as the indication that social worker is emotionally predisposed towards him.
As result, he will be expecting social worker to come up with the positive decision, regarding his case. If this does not happen, client is going to sustain an emotional trauma. In its turn, this will be considered as the proof of workers professional incompetence, because the code of ethics clearly states that, even though social worker might actually be unable to assist client in any practical way, under no circumstance may he cause client any harm, regardless of whether it is physical, material or emotional one. 3) Becoming friends with a client after termination of the working relationship is unethical, because client is going to realize that social worker is a normal human being with its own psychological weaknesses. As result, client might begin doubting that his case was being dealt with in objective manner, while he was in working relationship with social worker. At the same time, it might provide former client with the chance to take advantage of social worker, because it will be only the matter of time, before workers personal information is going to become available to the client, after they become friends.
The Term Paper on Social Psychology Personal Behavior
so-cial (sol) adj. [[ OE sec, man, warrior]] 1 of or having to do with human beings living together as a group in a situation in which their dealings with one another affect their common welfare [social consciousness, social problems] 2 living in this way; gregarious [man as a social being] 3 of or having to do with the ranks or activities of society, specif. the more exclusive or fashionable of ...
4) Engaging in sexual activity with a client after termination of the working relationship is unacceptable. Just as in previously analyzed case, the details of social workers personal living are going to be revealed to the former client. Engaging in sexual activity implies strong emotional attachment. In its turn, it creates ground for psychological manipulation. Former client might be willing to use his personal involvement with social worker to push his personal agenda or the agenda of his friends. In addition, there can be no guarantee that the status of client might change from former to active. If this happens, social worker will find itself in very awkward position.
5) Going out to dinner with a client after an interview is not only unethical, but also does not make any practical sense. The invitation to a dinner is often being considered as the initial stage of dating process. But who would be willing to date a welfare recipient? Even if we drop the sarcasm, accepting invitation to diner from the client, cannot be thought of as anything else but the proof of professional inadequacy, on the part of social worker. As the result, social workers social reputation is going to be damaged and it will unable him to keep his job for much longer. 6) Disclosing details of one’s own current personal stress to a client is unethical and unprofessional, because it provides client with legal grounds to accuse social worker of not being fully objective, if social workers decision, regarding clients case, is not being considered as favorable. Therefore, if social worker unable to keep its emotions under control, while dealing with client, it would be the best for all if such worker takes leave or start looking for another job..
The Essay on Client Server Technology Personal Computer
Client/Server technology is very common amongst most infrastructures. Most of you are already familiar or have at least used this technology. This technology consists of at least a client and a server; the two must also have a way of communicating with each other. The client can either host the application and do the processing locally or serve as an interface to an application running from a ...