Proposal on how to develop the topic of Multiculturalism Multiculturalism is the idea of the Melting Pot- where all the immigrant cultures are mixed and amalgamated without state intervention. The Melting Pot implied that each individual immigrant, and each group of immigrants, assimilated into a society at their own pace, improving their income and social status on the way. But its development is not so easy. It requires some basic structure which is following; Mission Statement = There should be a clearly laid mission statement in regard to multiculturalism and how it is committed to implementing its objectives in that respect. Resource allocation = The plan should include a credible costing of resources required for its implementation, and should be reviewed annually in the light of agreed upon performance indicators. Objectives = Annual objectives in regard to multiculturalism should be elaborated and included.Every constituent should elaborate objectives and guidelines regarding the development and implementation of a strategy for multiculturalism in its own Statute. Decision-making = Decision-making should be transparent, accountable and truly representative of the multicultural dynamic of the mission.
The curriculum should reflect the multi-cultural character of the system and encourage a high level of excellence. Special body = An Equal Opportunities Commission should be established within the system to encourage the hiring of minority and female staff on the basis of support for further development of the project . Government multicultural policies may include: recognition of multiple citizenship (the multiple citizenship itself usually results from the nationality laws of another country) government support for newspapers, television, and radio in minority languages support for minority festivals, holidays, and celebrations acceptance of traditional and religious dress in schools, the military, and society in general support for music and arts from minority cultures programs to encourage minority representation in politics, SET (Science, Engineering and Technology), Mathematics, education, and the work force in general. References Neil Bissoondath, Selling Illusions: The Myth of Multiculturalism. Toronto: Penguin, 2002 Schlesinger, Jr. Arthur M., “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society”, 1998, W.
The Term Paper on Diversity and Multiculturalism
Minority is a word describing a group representing a population smaller than the State. They are people of distinct culture, religion, language and ethnicity from the norms of the Society. Any group resembling the stated characteristics is a Minority. This description clearly emphasizes the rebuttal of Human Rights to people who are not living within the standards of the society. Group Rights or ...
W. Norton & Company Guardian: Conform to our society, says PM, 8 December 2006..