Prostitution has been around for several hundreds of years; however, more recently it has become a worldwide phenomenon. Throughout the world, prostitution has become more popular. In some countries it is legal, in others it is considered illegal. In the United States, accepting money or “gifts” for any sexual favor is considered prostitution. There is a constant battle within the courts whether or not prostitution should remain illegal or be made legal.
Many times when you think of prostitute, many people think of drug addicts, “whores” or lowlifes. However, over the past decade it has become a job of many single parents or students. They see it as a way to make quick money and “stable” income. They are able to pick and choose their hours and many times they have school bills and children to support. With the amount of jobs available, some find this as the only means of money.
When you are a prostitute there are many dangers involved. Aggressive clients pose a big threat. Of course in that profession it would be hard to call rape on somebody, however it is possible. You always hear stories about murdered prostitutes. Just recently in New York, roughly eight female bodies had been found, all believed to be prostitutes. Not only were they sexually assaulted but murdered and buried and had not been found for months. Along with this danger, prostitutes also have to worry about any STD’s or other viruses. The use of condoms will prevent this, but there is still that .01% chance. The same thing goes with pregnancy. Sometimes with prostitution,
The Term Paper on Prostitution Legalized
... being cut, but still the state finds money to arrest prostitutes. If prostitution would be legal, this money could be spent in a more ... bodies or spend their money without having governmental regulation. The origin of prostitution originated in the fifteenth century. Many prostitutes in this time ...
there is a risk of brothels. These are not legal anywhere. Brothels are something that should remain illegal. Also, when a prostitute makes money for someone else, should remain illegal. Both are extremely dangerous and can cause major risks.
I believe that the only reason prostitution is illegal in the United States is because the government cannot tax it. If they are not able to make money off of it, they just make it illegal. Honestly, prostitution is not harming anybody and if their body. If the prostitute wants to sleep around to make money, go right ahead. It is her body, her choice, and no one is getting hurt. If prostitution was legal, there most definitely should be an age requirement. Nearly 61% of the countries in the world have legal or limited legality prostitution. Many do not see it as a problem but an expression.
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