The one intelligence proposed out of the nine could be classified as my personal strength would probably be “personal intelligences.” I chose this intelligence, through a process of elimination. Some of the others included areas such as math, a mastery of language, and musical talents, most of which I just do not stand out in. However, when it comes to one’s mind and how it works, I have always been able to recognize how others feel and explain certain reasons or emotions based on their behaviors and actions. Most of the time, I am correct in putting together one’s thoughts and emotions together at that specific time. Personal intelligences was the closest one to my personality. I always lend an ear to someone when they need a person to listen to them and discuss their problems.
Anyone can come to me and discuss certain situations that they might have and really value my advice and decision making skills and use them to help solve their dilemmas. Having a conversation with someone and analyzing their view points on a certain issue is also something that comes very easy to me. I always give my real opinion on anyone’s view points even if they may get upset with my advice, I am not afraid because I know that it is the right thing for them to do and the right thing for me to say at that time. At times, When I am feeling unhappy or worried, I tend to become my own advice giver, when I can’t seem to talk to anyone else. I analyze why I may feel this way and what might have triggered it. Although at times I analyze insignificant details too much, which leads to anxiety.
The Essay on Analyzing Personal Conflict Management Styles
Conflict management is the detriment of many teams or groups in accomplishing its goals. This is because most people do not understand the different conflict styles and how to apply the rules and principles associated with the style you may be dealing with. In this paper I will analyze three of the five management styles discussed in the textbook Communication in Small Groups. Avoidance and ...
However, when it comes to more severe and intense situations, my analyzing and interpersonal intelligence comes in handy.