Racial Profiling Introduction As the writer of this essay, I would like to impress upon the listeners and the readers of my that the views expressed here are on the generalised lines of the extremes in racial profiling of individuals and if these extremes are not kept in check, the consequences could have disastrous impacts on the singular individual and as a whole on our society and our nation. Introduction to Racial Profiling In our todays world the phenomena of racial profiling is more evident and definitely on the increase because of the diversities that are being encouraged and created amongst members of societies by the legally correct and criminally incorrect individuals and establishments in their struggle to attain more authority and power at whatever the cost. This leads to racial lines being drawn among common citizens where they are identified and profiled for their ethnicity, religions, cultures and even sex. With the setting up of this profiling system, members of our societies become the unjust prey and are hampered in their efforts to live a life style that is dignified and in line with required humane standards. This off balance therefore contributes towards the unlawful practices by the very criminal justice system that is supposed to protect citizens and furthermore also encourages criminals and their related establishments to run their illegal activities on diversity profiled lines.
The Essay on Social Structure Change Society Individuals
Diane IhlenfeldtFebruary 13, 2004"The more things change, the more they stay the same." The sociologist, Emile Durkheim stressed the importance of shared value and community in order to provide social order and stability. A sociologist would understand the clique, "The more things change, the more they stay the same" by analyzing how individuals and groups affect society and how society in turn ...
(Addressing Police Misconduct) Background to Racial Profiling Specifically in the last two decades of human history because of the disturbed geo-political situation that is prevailing internationally and nationally, our leaders and lawmakers have enacted draconian laws that encourage the racial profiling of individuals and curbs the liberties of citizens that are democratically assured through our constitutions. On the other hand, extreme and criminal organizations are more strongly than ever before influencing private, public and even governmental institutions, amongst which are the police departments and the justice system to base and perform their duties along racial profiling lines in various subtle ways.
It is most ironic that while the world grows smaller where societies and cultures can be brought closer together through the advances of information technology, what we observe instead is that individuals and societies are measured and compared along racial profiles of ethnicity, religion and culture. This awareness unfortunately is highlighted and encouraged for maximum advantage by the population-wise majorities against the minorities living in their vicinities. (Criminal Justice Resources & Blocks to Exposing Corruption in Government Offices) Assertion With regard to the doing away of the unofficially accepted fact of racial profiling, international and national organisations are proving to be ineffective and seem to have become the tools of the supposed leaders for serving the best interests of the citizens. The scourge of racial profiling also creates a sense of helplessness for the correct implementation of the law and diversifications along these profiles are splitting up people where their majority splinter groups tends to superimpose on the minority groups. Unfortunately in the United States, which is considered the champion of democracy and where freedom of expression has been guaranteed by our forefathers through the best constitution in world, people are increasingly being judged by their colour, appearance, gender, religion, how they dress and other biased factors. The principle of live and let live has taken a back seat and instead of taking immediate accountable and corrective measures, our leaders and politicians in the desire to stay in power take advantage of loop-holes in law and the knowledge that they can get away with whatever wrongs they do.
The Essay on Racial Profiling State Jersey Police
The topic of racial profiling amongst minority individuals in the state of New Jersey has been a heated issue for the past several years. This department has been charged with numerous allegations of racism and is the main focus for racial based events in police departments nationwide. Although racial profiling amongst police officers in the state of New Jersey has been a major issue for many ...
(Jason E. W., 2001, Beyond Scandal & United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime) Conclusion Our leaders, politicians, religious heads, education and all other institutions must be encouraged by the people they represent to rethink about the existing double standards of our society and to overcome the injustices due to racially related profiling. Good leaderships are what make nations great and we require the evaluation of the quality of services being provided by our present leaders and we must decide if we should continue with them. (Blocks to Exposing Corruption in Government Offices & Criminal Justice Assessment Tool) The sad and sickly example of the Rodney King beating at the hands of the Los Angeles Police Department and the consequent riots in 1992 is also an illustration of the racially profiled and diversity-based unacceptable police behaviour that demonstrates the continual racism, insularity and aggression by the majority against the minorities. If we were to open our eyes and minds to the wrongs going on around us because of racial profiling, we would be shocked by its reality and if we were to think of the future with the continued acceptance and tolerance of racial profiling and discrimination, instead of some light being visible at the end of the tunnel there is total darkness. (Criminal Justice, from free wikipedia encyclopedia, Jason E. W, 2001 & Kauko A,; Terhi V.) Another example in our present times is of the dominance of people along racial profiling lines even by the gangs in Compton City were based on radicalized lines as the citys demographics begun to change after the exodus of many Black families in the 1980s. The eventual influx of the Latino immigrant families began in Compton gang members accordingly operated along racially profiled lines in the illegal activities. (Gary B.
& Jill H.Z.) The governmental machinery should therefore not be allowed to be used for wrong reason and allowed to implement hidden and pervert agendas and policies that encourages racial profiling of citizens. What we require is that the world becomes a better and just place where we can live in harmony and create our own heaven during our lifetime on earth. (Blocks to Exposing Corruption in Government Offices) Works Cited: Addressing Police Misconduct, Laws enforced by U.S. Department of Justice (Accessed: April 11, 2007) http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/cor/Pubs/polmis.htm Blocks to Exposing Corruption in Government Offices (Accessed: April 11, 2007) http://www.defraudingamerica.com/blocks_to_exposin g_corruption.html Criminal Justice Assessment Tool (Accessed: April 11, 2007) http://www.unodc.org/unodc/criminal_justice_assess ment_toolkit.html Criminal Justice, from free wikipedia encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_justice Gary Ballard, “Things still happen here — this is Compton,” “But it really is better”, article appeared on page A – 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle (Accessed: April 11, 2007) http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/ 06/04/COMPTON.TMP Jason E. Whitehead, January 9, 2001.Beyond Scandal, The Rampart Corruption Incident as ‘Business-as-Usual’ in LA (Accessed: April 11, 2007) http://web.archive.org/web/20011114100605/ http://www.e-venthorizon.net/power_authority/rampa rt_scandal.html Kauko Aromaa and Terhi Viljanen, INTERNATIONAL KEY ISSUES IN CRIME PREVENTION AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE, HEUNI (Accessed: April 11, 2007) http://www.heuni.fi/uploads/gq4fgo83lmb.pdf.
The Essay on Behavioral Pro Criminal Profile Psychological
Criminal Investigative Psychology is the area in Forensic Psychology that is least likely to be acknowledged. The majority of people see this as merely a criminal justice area of expertise. In actuality, this area is strongly associated with how the human mind works. Psychologists can apply their knowledge of human motivation and behavior to areas in the criminal-investigative arena. The criminal ...