The movie red dragon is a third sequel to hannibal and silence of the lambs. This movie isnt has gruesome has the first two movies, but it was has equally has good. I reccommend it to other people adn to psychology teachers cause it has to do with a guy that is schizophrenic and listens to voices that dont exist. SO if u dont want to watch the movie then its your lost. It will really help u to understand what real criminal profiles go through and what it is like to have voices in your head. Before you watch red dragon u have to watch the other two movies to understand the whole meaning of this one.
Bobby was a little boy who was mentally and physically abused when he was a youngster at the age of 12. He had a habit of peeing is bed so his grandmother threatened to cut his private area off if he didnt repeat what she said. She forced her to do things that werent appropiate for a 12 year old to do. He grew up and he was fascinated by this movie character called red dragon and wanted to be just like him. so he committed several crimes like; murder, rape, burglary, and arson. so he was in and out of jail until he made a mistake of his life.
HE went after a detective that put away his idol, Hannibal Lector. a doctor who was thrown in prison for murdering then eating his victims, just like jeffery dahmer. web > chris sel bay, “Red Dragon”.