Those were the words spoken to me in the back of my mind. I came to know after some time spent in the Army it was very important to ensure someone knew where I was at all time. Not just for accountability purposes but the Army is like a family a big family. Where when we deploy you watch the solider back beside you and you watch there’s, he is your brother in some cases and in some cases maybe your sister because we do have woman in the military. But the point I’m trying to get across is your own family back home loves you and care for you and worries about you. And the army is the same way in the sense of if you have a great chain command, you’re not just a name on a perstat, A-162 or a number in the unit but you’re a person a brother in arms that signed willing to protect this great country of ours that we love. We all have some kind of life outside of the military but while we are in the army we have people over us who are more like our big brother but in a military way who supposed to help lead us and guide us to what the army expects from us. I used to always think to myself “All I’ve had to do is be in the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform” I used to just repeat that in my mind every day and keep repeating those guidelines to be success in the Army.
Many years went by and all I thought to myself, “is that all I have to do? Be in the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform. Do my job and that’s all I’m required to do.” Here’s my problem now after 10 years in the Army. I think that in any organization, military or non-military, the cream of the talent should rise to the top. Being at the right place and right time is the base of everything we do in life. Soldier gets promoted on their merit and succeeds to higher and higher ranks and positions. The people at the top should be the best at what they do. And when you get promoted to the rank of SGT, SSG, and even a SPC you should let the soldier know that it is important that they make the right choices not just for their sakes but for the unit sake you are part of the family and if something happens to you it could become a big issue for the unit if something happens to you. That bond you have created with your brothers in arms is a bond it is hard to fill that bond takes months to build.
The Essay on First Time Kayla Brother Kristen
I must have been about 10 or 11 years old when my mother got the news she was going to be a FIRST TIME GRANDMOTHER. My brother, Robert and his girlfriend, Kristen, had just found out they were expecting a baby. Big Deal, I thought. What was all the commotion about, just a baby, all they do is whine, and cry, need to be fed, need to be changed, and constantly looked after. My mother went through ...
A Sargent should be the most capable to lead a Squad successfully, understanding every aspect of his lower enlisted, Treating them like a person with issue and helping them understand that if there not a there appointed place at the right time they worry if something has happened to them if they are alive and not that they didn’t show up at the time they were told. We are all human we may be called super human sometime, or a robot but if you treat your soldiers under you as a little brother sense not saying babying but more of mentoring and respect I believe the soldier would try to be more like His Sargent (big Brother) Don’t get me wrong I don’t believe that in order to succeed, you only need to be in the “right place, at the right time, in the right uniform.”
But it’s a start and when we are at the bottom of the totem pole that is all that is required of us. When we become a SPC or higher we encourage or fellow brothers in arms under us that it is important to be at the Be in the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform because when were deployed and we have a mission and brief at 1600hrs and your SP is at 1630hrs and your responsibility is to be suited up and ready to go you have to Be in the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform so you are not the delay of the mission and that is why we practice to Be in the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform when were back in the states we have unpredictable things that happen with family and even our own action.
The Essay on The role, purpose and responsibilities of a chosen uniformed public service army
Having respect for one another in the army is an advantage as it boosts thoughtfulness, demands decency, and recognizes the value of everyone Respect is the root source for people living in harmony and being consideration toward others. Respecting one another shows that you have put aside your differences such as race, color, sexuality and religion. Respect is earned and isn’t given. In order to ...
So when we are her in our daily life we get tested by things. In my case in December 2012 I was arrested on false charges and the unit abandoned me and lied to me. I was told it was a good deal to take and I could rejoin the unit, my brothers. The plea deal was for an M-2 Child Abuse (neglat on a child) meaning my son was not in reach of me and he could have fell and hurt himself. When I took that deal I was told by my command 1SG and Commander they were on my side and my 1SG said he would speak for me. When I got out the army CRC did their investigation and found me innocent which my chain of command did not tell me they were going to do.
But even though they army found me innocent my 1SG lied to me and try to chapter me on a other than honorable and told the separation board I lied to him and if I didn’t do it I should have stayed in jail till I was found innocent. He lied and pledger zed himself on the phone during the hearing. And the acting commander of rear detachment said recently called me a “S**** bag” not knowing I was standing right out of his open office door.
I will try to Be in the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform to set an example to the new soldiers in the unit to encourage them that even though my time is short in the army I do what I’m supposed to because I still love this Army I may not agree with my chain of command but I agree with the tradition of the army and Being in the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform, and motivating and teaching the new soldiers to become an outstanding soldier and brother to each other in the rear and front lines because we are a family and we need to act like one.