“Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. The company is wholly owned by Riordan Industries, a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues in excess of $1 billion” (Apollo Group Inc., 2004).
The Mission and Vision Statement of Riordan Manufacturing is four tier, concentrating on the company Focus, Customer Relationships, Employees and a Future Vision. The attributed discussed center upon the importance of a quality management Program, long-term relationships, innovative employees and sustaining future growth. By instituting “rigorous quality controls, and providing innovative solutions to customers with a responsive attitude, reasonable pricing” (The Apollo Group, Inc. 2004) can be maintained.
total quality Management is a strategic level objective for Riordan
The Six Sigma, leading edge R&D and exceeding ISO 9000 standards are what define the attitude and capability of Riordan Manufacturing. Six Sigma is a “quality improvement program used for identifying and eliminating defects, waste and quality control problems in manufacturing”. The goal of six sigma is hand-in-hand with that of Riordan’s, to achieve the highest levels of quality. “A sigma is a statistical term for the standard deviation of a set of data, so six sigma refers to six standard deviations”, with the “basic premise behind Six Sigma is that of a company can measure the amount of defects in a process, the company can systematically determine how to eliminate them, getting as close to zero defects, or perfection, as possible” (Beginners Guide Staff, 2005).
The Essay on Unethical Advertising in Manufacturing Company
Vitafoam Nigeria Plc is Nigeria’s leading manufacturer of flexible, reconstituted and rigid foam products. It has the largest foam manufacturing and distribution network which facilitates just-in-time delivery of its products throughout Nigeria. Incorporated on 4th August, 1962 and listed on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange in 1978. Vitafoam’s successful brands remain household ...
The principal of Six Sigma also involves every aspect of the organization, in order to be better able to meet and rise above the evolving demands of customers, marketing, and technology in a way that will benefit customers, shareholders and employees. Six Sigma is about making every area of the organization better able to meet the changing needs of customers, markets, and technologies in a way that benefits employees, customers, and shareholders.
Research and Development (R&D) at Riordan is of major focus, and will remain so in order to maintain being a leader in identifying industry trends. Riordan strives to be a solution provider for our customers and not be a part of our customer’s challenges. This is the motivation for concentrated efforts in R&D. Again reiterating the goals of the mission statement: “Long-term relations are built and sought by maintaining rigorous quality controls, applying innovative solutions, and conducting a responsive business attitude” (The Apollo Group Inc., 2004).
ISO 9000 is another focus of Riordan. ISO 9000 “specifies requirements for a Quality Management System overseeing the production of a product or service . . . ISO is not a standard for ensuring a product or service is of quality; rather, it attests to the process of production, and how it will be managed and reviewed” (infobeagle.com/business/iso-9000, 2005).
The Mission Statement also addresses the importance of employees, and how they are regarded, how the focus is on maintaining an innovative and team oriented working environment. This is done to assure that employees are always well informed of policies and practices and that are properly supported. Riordan tries to provide an environment that is constantly focused on the long-term viability of the company.
Introduction In today’s working environment, one of the most vital responsibilities that the management embraces is to make sure that the employees’ performance is both successfully and professionally carried out to the best of their abilities. Nowadays, there is the view that the practices and policies that a management holds within an organization in Australia are used against the employees, for ...
With Riordan’s future focus being on “achieving and maintaining reasonable profitability to assure that the financial and human capital is available for sustained growth” (Apollo Group Inc, 2004), this is a clear indication that it is a strategic level objective.
Identify what impact globalization may have on the organization’s total quality management position.
As with any organization, globalization has an impact upon Riordan. At Riordan Manufacturing, with plants located in With facilities in San Jose, California, Albany, Georgia, Pontiac, Michigan and Hangzhou, China, quality management is a constant focus. With globalization there are barriers to overcome, those being primarily communication and ideals. Quality production requires a careful at tentative eye from production workers, at all levels, as well as a system of checks and balances with quality assurance auditors.
How does globalization increase the complexity of total quality management for this organization?
The increased complexity of total quality management for Riordan lies within the area of supervision. Employees are held accountable for their production quality, although there are auditors. The Quality Assurance Auditors perform a limited surveillance with an objective to provide thorough, comprehensive and effective evaluations of Quality Programs, both domestic and international. The intricacy involves becoming aware of employees cultures and ideals, and learning how to utilize these to motivate the different personnel to work to their potential.
Globalization involves, simply put, bringing together people of a diverse background to work towards the same goal. Quality Management requires these diverse employees to work toward the same level of quality, conveying the standards of quality the importance of them, and how to accomplish producing quality products and or services.
Conducting educational programs and ISO 9000 certification programs assist Riordan management team in Total Quality Management. Management teams work with employees in educational upgrading programs for their workforce. These educational programs will reinforce the TQM management practices throughout Riordan, in order to ensure the organization consistently meets or exceeds customer requirements.
The Term Paper on Malcolm Baldrige and the Evolution of Total Quality Management
Quality and productivity can be considered mutually inclusive. An organization that aims for quality will eventually results to better productivity in the concept of services, goods being produced, personnel and human resources development, not to mention capital gain, increase in competitiveness, and increase in investment opportunities. Though it may be a good concept, a governing body should be ...
A complex issue that can exist in poor countries “differ from rich in their pursuit of knowledge by having fewer public institutions to safeguard the quality and truth of the information people need to lead healthy, more affluent lives. Often there is no capacity to certify the quality of goods or services, enforce standards and performance, and gather and disseminate key information needed for business transactions” (Webworldbank,
1998 ).
Riordan will be on constant watch for this possibility, with auditors in place in each location and ISO programs in place, procedures will be followed to ensure quality in every aspect. Total Quality management in the work environment is a major and critical focus for Riordan, in every aspect. Providing for the safety and well being of each employee, as well as the best products for their customers, and the best return for investment to their shareholders.
What is Six Sigma? By the Beginners Guide Staff, October 31, 2005. Obtained from http://beginnersguide.com/quality-control/six-sigma/what-is-six-sigma.php April 6, 2006 on the World Wide Web.
ISO 9000 Certification, Copyright © 2003-2005 InfoBeagle.com. Obtained from
http://www.infobeagle.com/business/iso-9000-certification.htm?src=ms, April 6, 2006, on the World Wide Web.
Virtual Organizations, Obtained from https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/
aapd/CIST/VOP/Business/PortBus.htm, April 6, 2006.
World Bank Calls for a Narrowing of the “Knowledge Gap” Between Rich
and Poor. Washington, October 2, 1998 Press Release No. 99/1955. Obtained from
http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20017519~menuPK:34463~pagePK:34370~piPK:34424~theSitePK:4607,00.html April 6, 2006 on the World Wide Web.