Running head: MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Management of Organizational Change February 9, 2009 Management of Organizational Change The ability to view and interpret the same events and processes through alternative frames makes the leaders and managers to gain better understanding what is going on in their organization. Why this ability is so important? In order to answer this question, it is crucial to understand what all these events and processes dealing with organization change and management of change are about, and what makes managers better understand what is going on in their organizations. Better understanding of Bolman and Deals (2008) four frames model can provide an answer to this question. As it was already mentioned, unlike other people, effective managers view the same events and organizational experiences in accordance with frames or leadership styles. As it is claimed by Bolman and Deal, there are four frames, namely, structural, human resource, political, and symbolic. In his daily routine within the organization the “structural” manager utilizes a set of actions peculiar to the structural framework (Four Frameworks for Leadership: The Bolman/Deal Model, 2009).
In other words, the manager attempts to develop and utilize the structure or process which corresponds to the circumstances and problem he needs to find a solution for. To succeed, the “structural” manager needs to make organizational goals and objectives clear and sound, to manage the external environment, to design and elaborate on a sound and effective structure tailored to the environment and the task, to clarify authority lines, and, finally, to place emphasis on the facts, task at hand, and logic, at the same time avoiding focusing on emotions and personality (Bolman, 2008).
The Essay on Management Of Organizational Change
Management of Organizational Change Question Structural change and re-engineering are synonymous. With the advent of information ... You can quote Bolman and Deal (2008) or other theorists. Here, the question has stated explicitly that the managers or executives are ...
It should be taken into consideration that adopting and focusing only on structural approach can be most effective only when the information, cause-effect relations and objectives are clear and easy to understood, and there is low uncertainty, low ambiguity, very little conflict within the organization, and when there is a legitimate and stable effective authority. The second frame is human resource. So, in human resource managers viewpoint, people are the core of the organization (Grey, 2005).
Human resource managers are more inclined to provide immediate response to the needs, goals and objectives and strive to gain high level of loyalty and commitment within the organization. They are more focused on empowerment and support. However, it should be said that in case the manager decides to adopt only this approach, the outcomes will be positive when there is low diversity, low conflict and when the morale of the employees is declining or low.
The manager, who utilizes a political frame for interpretation of the organizational processes, is more focused on understanding of the political realities of the organizations. The political” manager understands limited resources, conflicts, constituencies and strives to use his power carefully, while developing strong ties to his leadership. The manager recognizes the importance of so-called interest groups, and places high emphasis on identifying external enemies to consolidate groups and make them more united (Four Frameworks for Leadership: The Bolman/Deal Model, 2009).
Although the use of only political frame for viewing the same events and processes in organization is not very effective, it still can be quite efficiently utilized when the resources are declining or scarce, in the organizations where the diversity is quite high and when there are value and goal conflicts. Finally, the manager who interprets processes and events in the organization through the symbolic framework only is called the symbolic leader (The Four Frames: Alternative Ways of Understanding and Solving Leadership Challenges, 2003).
The Essay on Effective resource allocation among the various economic systems
Effective resource allocation among the various economic systems Introduction Efficient utilization of economic resources by different economic systems An economic system is scenario whereby goods and services produced in a country or an entity and the resources within are distributed within the existing subsystems. The subsystems in this context entail the combination of agencies, entities ...
In this case, the manager is convinced that people need something they can believe in.
In the manager’s viewpoint, inspiration and vision are the most important things. He considers that in case the organization is unique and in case the people feel that they do something really important and valuable for the company, they become loyal to the organization. The symbolic leaders place high emphasis on organizational values and traditions, and are focused on a common culture and vision (Weick, 2007).
Yet, it should be also mentioned that adopting a symbolic approach for interpretation of the processes in the organization is effective when the information and goals are ambiguous and unclear, and when there is high cultural diversity and cause-effect relations are difficult to understand. Obviously, the effective manager cannot interpret the processes and events through only one model, as by doing this, he narrows himself to only one or two perspectives. To be successful, it is important to view complexities using a broad scope, thus being able to generate effective solutions, especially when the manager is facing complexities and tough situations.
In conclusion it may be said that the effective manager should avoid adhering to and using only one frame for interpretation of the organizational processes. For example, structural frame can be integrated when there is uncertainty and ambiguity. When the motivation and commitment are crucial, it is better to integrate symbolic and human resources frame. Symbolic and political frames are recommended to be integrated when there is diversity and conflict. Finally, human resources and structural frames are better used when there is a top down approach, and in case the resources are quite scarce, adoption and integration of political, symbolic and structural frames works most effectively. In such a way, the managers who have the ability to view and interpret the same events and processes through alternative frames are more effective, become better leaders, and gain better understanding what is going on in their organization.
The Term Paper on Organization Structure Effective Organization Structure And Principles Of Organizational Structure
Organizational structure is the definition of how things or activities such as the issues of task allocation, supervision and task allocation are directed in line to the achievement of an organizations aims and objectives. In simpler words, it is the viewing glass or a perspective through which employees and the employers see their organization and its environment. The structure of any ...
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