GREENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE CLUB May 15, 2001, Meeting Minutes All officers, committee heads, and 15 members were present. Sponsor Terry L. Gronbacher was present. President Dorothy McClinton called the meeting to order at 2: 25 p. m.
Secretary Chris Smedley read the minutes and they were accepted by unanimous note. LaVerne Be att distributed the April 30 balance sheet and income statement and reported that the Science Club has a positive balance of $1, 056. Her report was approved by unanimous note. Victor Bloch, fundraising committee chair, reported that $376.
09 was raised from the sale of windsocks and ‘$123. 75 from the sale of thermometers. Under unfinished business, President McClinton reported that the 28 th Annual Greenwood Science Fail would have more than 150 exhibits from 5 th through 12 th graders. Awards will be given to the first-, seconds-, and third-place winners in each grade level.
In addition, three prizes will be awarded to the top three winners in 12 different categories. Engineers and scientists from Greenwood Laboratories will judge all the events. Members of the Science Club will serve as hosts and hostesses for the judges and then assist the Greenwood High science teachers in presenting the awards. The club approved the purchase of a microscope as the Science Club’s gift to the Greenwood High School Science Department. The microscope will be presented to the Greenwood Board of Education at its June meeting. Under new business, Jason Gillen made a motion that the club adopt a community service project.
The Research paper on The Relationship Between Sociology And The Social Sciences
The life of man is many sided. There is an economic aspect, legal aspect, a religious aspect, political aspect, and so forth. Sociology, therefore, can understand a social life as a whole, by taking help from other social sciences which study exclusively one or the other aspects of human society. Sociology, for example, in order to understand a particular society has to take material of the ...
Jason’s motion was seconded by Millie Wilson and approved by voice vote of all members present. President McClinton appointed a committee to identify at least three projects. The committee members are Ervin Gillespie (chair), Kimberly Near, Lori Segal, and George Baf fard. The committee is to present its report at the June meeting. The meeting ended at 3: 35 p.
m. Minutes prepared by: Chris Smedley.