To what extent can the effects of globalisation be seen in Shelcome Street? “People around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before, information and money flow more quickly than ever. Goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is commonplace.” This phenomenon has been titled “globalisation.” Globalisation in simple terms is the rise of market capitalism around the world. The effect that globalisation has had on life today is immeasurable. It shapes the way we live and is debated all around the world so much that it is the world’s biggest argument to date. I would define globalisation as “the integration of many different cultures from around the world into a single market through the growth of industries on an international scale.” The effects of globalisation can be measured on local, regional, national and international levels.
Shelcome Street displays the effect of globalisation on a local level through the substantial number of multi-national companies that operate in the area. In this report I will try to determine the extent to which the effects of globalisation can be seen on Shelcome Street, by assessing the socio-cultural and economic impact. Shelcome Street exemplifies a modern city centre in the 21 st century. The abundance of multi-national companies operating on the street is quite amazing. Companies from across the globe function alongside each other, from world-renowned American fast food franchises like KFC & McDonalds to very traditional English retailers such as BHS or Marks & Spencer. Globalisation can be seen to have affected Shelcome street, from fashion and entertainment to architecture and the arts.
The Essay on World War Ii effects Of The War
World War 2 was huge and involved a lot of countries. There were thousands of battlefronts and war sites. The two main battlefronts were the battlefront between Britain and Germany and the battlefront between the Japanese and the Americans. These battlefronts were split up into smaller battlefronts even still. Many lives were lost in the air, on land and in the sea. Some of the most notable ...
A major change in the architecture on Shelcome Street can be seen in Marble arch shopping centre, an American style shopping mall with many different companies operating under one roof. Where as in the past people shopped in town centres and limited their shopping trips to fair weather days, now people can go shopping whatever the weather and all the shops are close together. This incorporation of many different types of shops to cater for a wide variety of customers is a clear example of how the American ‘customer friendly’ culture has been implemented in Shelby with huge success. New, modern companies are opening up all the time in Shelcome when space is available, illustrating the demand for such a location. Shelcome street has become very American ised regarding the large number of fast food restaurants found on the street.
As you walk down Shelcome street you pass a KFC, MacDonalds, Burger King and Pizza Hut. This shows the popularity of this once american, now international culture of fast food, which continues to grow from year to year. It is not just American culture that has influenced the street.