A part-time job is a form of employment which requires employees to work fewer hours than their full-time colleagues. These employees are generally assigned less than 30 hours per week. This type of employment is most suitable for students, parents, pensioners and other workers who may not have sufficient time or commitment for a full-time career. This essay will discuss the issue – ‘Should high school students have part-time employment? ’ It will enumerate the advantages of part-time employment with relevant examples to support the issue.
Employment is financially rewarding for both students and their parents when it is part-time. Students can earn money and develop saving skills to save up for entities they desire. A new car, clothing, gifts and daily essentials are some of the common assets students can purchase if they work part-time. Students can also help their parents to compensate family debts and help support their family. Having part-time employment is not only advantageous for students, but also their parents, as they can have a lesser burden monetarily.
Parents will not have to stress over their child’s expenses as the children can pay themselves. Working can help high school students learn important values and skills. Part-time jobs help students understand the values of hard work, independence and responsibilities. It teaches students to develop time management and organization skills as well as initiating mature and obedient behaviour. They will also learn to appreciate money and understand how hard it is to earn it.
Vietnamese Parents Time Student
I sit in solemn silence, wondering if I should even bother with this essay. I am not the ideal Vietnamese child; I am nothing special. Since I was born, English has been my primary language. It is the language I think in, the only language I can express my true emotions. I am an American-born Vietnamese child, proud of my heritage, yet forever attempting to grasp it. I merely know this: my morals ...
Understanding the value of money and experiencing the hard work will allow students to acknowledge and be more grateful for their parent’s hard work and sacrifices. Working also allows students to gain useful, desirable skills such as improving their communication, learning how to handle people, developing interview skills and employment skills. Students will be further prepared for a rewarding future. They will obtain valuable work experiences, which may look excellent on a resume and impress future employers. Through jobs, students learn to manage with all types of people.
One essential skill that they can learn in many jobs is customer service. Being able to deal with customers’ problems, listening to them and understanding their needs, are important skills in majority of careers. Students with previous part-time jobs may also be more desirable to universities due to having work experience. Indicating work experience on a university application shows that the applicant is able to work in a team, is punctual, skilled, able to multitask and has many of the attributes that universities are looking for.
In conclusion, there are many advantageous aspects for high school students working part-time. Working is financially rewarding for students and their families, along with being helpful in teaching students valuable morals and fundamental skills. Students will be prepared for their future and may gain admiration from universities. I believe that students should have part-time employment as it is an excellent way of earning money while also gaining essential skills and learning important values.