Have you ever known anyone who has sleepwalked? If you have ever lived
with young children, then you have probably witnessed the act of sleepwalking.
“Sleepwalking, or somnambulism, is a sleep disorder characterized by walking or
other activity while seemingly still asleep” (Sleep Walking 1999).
Personally, I
sleepwalk. Also, my ten-year-old brother sleep walks. Children usually start to
sleep walk, when they are ten-years-old (“Children and Sleepwalking 1998).
brother and I fit right into that pattern.
Sleepwalking occurs during the late stages of sleep. REM, rapid eye
movement, sleep occurs throughout the night. During this stage, eyes move
rapidly and vivid dreams occur. Sleep walking usually occurs during a deep, non-
REM stage of sleep early in the night (Sleep Walking 1999).
Sleepwalking is also
considered to be a disorder of arousal. More commonly called, “partial arousals.”
Because sleep walking occurs during deep sleep, the brain is not functioning fully.
It can be “confused and befuddled if awakened” (Caldwell 125).
Why do people sleep walk? Children sleep walk because of fatigue, prior
sleep loss, or anxiety (“Sleepwalking” 1999).
The Homework on Walking Your Walk Ethical Talk Make
Walking your Walk The book mentions that ethics is about behavior. This means that for something to be a part of your ethical beliefs, you must be willing to act accordingly if put the situation. If you are not willing to act on something that you say is your ethical and moral belief, is it really a part of your ethics. I do not think that a person can believe something and contradict the beliefs ...
A full bladder may also trigger
sleepwalking (“Children and Sleep Walking” 1998).
In adults, sleepwalking can
be associated with a disorder of the mind. It may also be caused by reactions to
medication, drugs or alcohol. Medical conditions may also cause sleepwalking
(“Sleepwalking” 1999) A partial complex seizure is “a brief, temporary alteration
in brain function caused by abnormal electrical activity in the nerve cells of a
discrete area of the brain, characterized by change in alertness or awareness with
behavioral or emotional symptoms and temporary loss of memory” (“Partial
Complex Seizure” 1999).
A partial complex seizure is another cause of
Sleepwalkers exhibit a common expression. They may have a blank facial
expression, sit up and appear awake during sleep and have no recollection of the
event upon awakening (Sleepwalking 1999).
Waking a sleepwalker would not be
a good idea, but is not harmful to the sleepwalker’s health, as some myths state.
An awakened sleepwalker may become frightened and disoriented and may flail
out violently, putting the person who woke them in danger. It is suggested that the
sleepwalker be led back to bed (Epstein).
Sleepwalking episodes can last up to a
matter of seconds or longer than thirty minutes (“Sleepwalking” 1999).
Sleepwalkers do not seem to be under any distress. It may seem as
though they are looking for something, but are in no hurry to find it and do not cry
out. Normally, the sleepwalker rises from bed and begins to wander slowly around
the room. Their actions are very deliberate, but slow and methodical. The
sleepwalker looks straight ahead and “seems to be on some kind of auto pilot,
there is a sense of purpose in the activity, some goal for the journey.” A
sleepwalkers articulation is poor. Words are often incomprehensible and out of
order. Sleepwalkers do not usually speak, unless spoken to (Caldwell 124).
It seems that in sleepwalking, the body wakes before the mind. This is why
it is called partial arousals. The body is able to walk around, using only
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The couple just found out they were expecting their first child. The highs and lows overwhelmed them from the beginning. Doubts crossed through their minds if they would make great parents. The happy event occurred and the day came when the tiny baby was brought home, reality set in they were parents. Being a parent is not a job that can be left behind when the parents leave the home. It's a ...
memorization. If anything is put into the sleepwalkers way, that wasn’t originally
there, he’ll trip and fall (Caldwell 125).
Sleepwalkers lack judgment. They may be able to avoid bumping into
walls, and tripping over furniture, they do not know right from wrong. There have
been reports of sleepwalkers driving cars, climbing trees and just walking down
the road in the middle of the night. Even though fewer then one percent of
sleepwalkers injure themselves, everything should be done to stop injury.
Sleepwalkers are instructed to take many precautions against injury. They
are told to lock all doors and windows, locate their bedroom on the ground floor,
move all sharp objects from the path they might wander, close off areas where
there are toxic chemicals, lock away firearms, and do not sleep on a top bunk
So how serious is sleepwalking? Most people do not take it very serious.
Many do not even mention it during physical examinations. This is because most
episodes of sleep walking occur less then once per month. Others experience
sleepwalking more then once per month, but do not result in harm to themselves or
others. In its most severe case, episodes occur almost nightly and/or have serious
injuries. One of the biggest issues is the embarrassment, guilt, anxiety and shame
when the sleepwalker is awakened or told about his experience (“Children and
Sleepwalking” 1998).
The majority of the population that do have sleepwalking episodes are
children. Thirty percent of children between the ages of five and twelve have had
at least one episode of sleepwalking. Persistent sleepwalking effects one percent
to six percent of children (Epstein).
Boys are more likely to sleep walk then girls.
Sleepwalking starts at an early age, and is usually outgrown by the time the child
reaches 13.8 years old. If the child started sleepwalking at the age of ten, or older,
The Term Paper on Sleep Disorders 2
“Refuge of the unfortunate, prisoner release, soft lap of the hopeless, the weary, the bereaved. First and foremost of all the nice features of nature and delight. Happiness coming upon man when anxiety and passion of the day is over. ” Tristram Shandy Introduction The sleep state is defined as a reversible behavior accompanied by a perception disconnection state (Patrick Ealy. – ...
then the sleepwalking episodes will often continue into adulthood (“Children and
Sleepwalking” 1998).
Studies have shown that children are ten times more likely to become a
sleepwalker, if their parents or siblings sleepwalk. Also, stress and tension are a
significant reason people sleepwalk (Zammit 191).
Once the stress subsides,
then the sleepwalking episodes will also subside (Lavie 212).
percent of adult sleepwalkers have a form of a personality disorder. These people
who suffer from a personality disorder, show a tendency to explosive or impulsive
antisocial feelings or action (Caldwell 126).
Sleepwalking is not in a group by itself. It has many sleep disorder
relatives. Although, sleepwalking is the most drastic form of automatism. Other
forms are: talking, making rhythmic movements, enuresis (bedwetting), teeth
grinding (bruxism), and night terrors. All these disorders fall into a category that
sleep researchers call parasomnias (Lavie 211).
Parasomnias, a term that
means, “around or about sleep,” are abnormal behaviors during sleep.
Sleepwalking has even entered the judicial arena. It was used as a
successful defense in a murder case in 1987. Mr. Parks was accused of driving
to his parents-in-law’s house, taking a knife from their kitchen and stabbing them
while they slept. He then drove to the police department and stated, “Oh my God,
I’ve just killed two people with my own hands. I stabbed and beat them to death.
It’s all my fault!”
Mr. Parks pleaded automatism, stating that when he stabbed his parents-
in-law he was sleepwalking. Experts testified that he was, in fact, sleepwalking
and automatism is not a disorder of the mind. “They also ruled that a
sleepwalkers ability to voluntarily control his behavior is “severely limited or not
available” (Caldwell 127).
Sleep walking is genetic in my family. My father sleepwalks, although he
didn’t start until after the age of ten, which may predict that he would sleepwalk into
adulthood. I also sleepwalk. According to my parents, I started around the age of
The Homework on Sleep Deprivation, Disorders, and Drugs
Almost everyone, at some point in their lives, suffer from sleep deprivation. There are a lot of different reasons that people lose sleep that include not feeling tired, or because of their jobs, life issues, and etc. Many people believe that 8 hours of sleep is required for a person to function right during the day; while others believe that they can function just as well with fewer hours. For ...
eight or nine. I, also, have a greater chance of sleepwalking when I am an adult. I
have a ten-year-old brother. He, recently, just started to sleepwalk. His episodes
could be considered severe, because he sleepwalks almost every night. As a
result of my father’s heredity, and that my brother and I started to sleepwalk around
the age of ten, we will both be certain to sleepwalk when we are adults.
Works Cited
Caldwell, J. Paul. Sleep: The Complete Guide to Sleep Disorders and Better
Night’s Sleep. New York: Firefly Books Ltd, 1997.
“Children and Sleepwalking.” April 15, 1998.
Epstein, Bruce A. “Sleepwalking in Children.”
Lavie, Peretz. The Enchanted World of Sleep. Virginia: R.R. Donnelley & Sons,
“Sleep Walking.”
Zammit, Gary. Good Nights. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1997.