There is a danger that educators are pressured to concentrate on the cognitive (or intellectual) dimensions of development to the detriment of other areas. You are asked to make a case for the consideration of other areas. You are asked to make a case for the consideration of other aspects of development in Education. In your assignment you should consider EITHER physical or social development by identifying key elements of physical or social development in one development stage ADOLESCENT and evaluating their significance for Education. (LECTURE NOTES) Development is a process, by which people grow and change, it starts at birth and goes on throughout life. Development has four aspects: physical, language, cognitive and social-emotional, which are interlinked.
For this assignment, I intend to focus on the social development of adolescents. Social development is about how we interact with each other. The way in which we share and listen is a result of our social development. As we get older we build on our experiences thus developing further, however poor experiences in younger years normally tends to have an impact at a later stage. The way in which we develop is partly a result of what we are born with and partly a result of our rearing.
There is no real doubt that we can only make use of what we are born with for example: if someone is born blind it would be impossible to develop sight, without specialist medical treatment. Again, there is no great doubt that our experiences throughout life shape us in some way or another this may be on a conscious or sub-conscious level. There is much debate about this, just how much of us is nature and how much of us is nurture or even the relationship between the two, known as constructivism. Pioneers in this field were Piaget and Vygotsky.
The Term Paper on Pediatric Experience Children Nurse Physical
The Primary Care Clinic located in Children's Hospital is dedicated to the care of children. It is a place where children can be examined for routine physicals and sick visits. It is convenient because it is open until 9: 00 pm so children can be seen in the evening. This experience demonstrates that there are many differences in treatment of children and adults.T. T. , a three year old male, was ...
Their learning theories fall in-between the humanistic and cognitive view. Adolescence is the middle phase of development, after infancy and childhood and before adulthood and old age. Between the ages of eleven and twenty is what we considered adolescent years. “Sociologists have argued that the notion of a separate and specialized age group called adolescence is the product of the late nineteenth century. However historians claim that youth groups can be tracked back to at least sixteenth century in France” (DICT OF SOCIOLOGY) Whichever the case may be adolescence certainly is a unique phase, when many changes occur. During adolescence is puberty, bringing changes hormonally, physically and mentally.
One modern theory of adolescence is that of transitions (Graber & Brooks-Gunn, 1996) part of this theory is: “ambiguity of status during transition” Quite understandable when you consider unusual things out with your control occurring to you before you have reached adulthood. “Schools exist in and for a given society, and one of the main functions of schooling is to equip young people with the skills the knowledge and the social and moral attitudes which will fit them for full membership of the adult community” (munn report 1997) Schools examination systems, however have traditionally have looked for facts, knowledge or some specific skills, because of this assessing social skills is a little more complicated and time consuming than the assessment of mathematics or language. It is not as simple to test aspects of social development such as pupils initiative, communication, personal effectiveness, interaction, cooperation consideration ability to share, ability to listen etc. There are views held by some in schools, government and wider society that subjects like the arts/ those which teach social and vocational type skills are “airy fairy” and not of any real use in the world of work. However today in our ever-changing post-industrial economy, there has become more of a demand for furnished young people with social and personal skills. Employers want school leavers/ workers that are suitable for the labor market.
The Report on Social Skills or Qualifications
It is undeniable that the qualifications play an important role on selecting the satisfactory staff.Yet,recently employers pay more attention on social skills as they assert a good staff must be equipped with the ability of communicating and cooperating with each other.Overall,I agree with the opinion expressed./// In many ways,workers with good social skills will adapt to the life in the ...
Hence the growth in importance of work experience over the last few generations. What qualifies as “learning” for educational purposes depends on cultural, social, economic and political factor, because implicit in education as a deliberate enterprise is the notion of prescription. Having a phobia about wasps is a learned behavior, but this does not count as education. Neither would learning from peers in your gang ways in which to break into and steel cars. The process starts with what the society considers to be desirable knowledge as pointed out earlier not all learning is considered useful by wider society. The social structure.