Midterm 1&2 Sociology 180 TTh 9:30 1)Discuss the theories of Marx, Weber, Spencer and Cooley andshow how they relate to the Sociological Perspective. Be sure toidentify each one as a functional, conflict or interactionist thinkeras it relates to the discipline to sociology. The sociological perspective is an insight on the things wetake for granted. Behaviors like walking down a crowded sidewalk or waiting in line at a grocery store. Certain ways we act withcertain rules we tend to follow to fit into a social setting. There are three major ways of understanding sociology. Thefunctionalist, conflict, and interationist perspective. Afunctionalistview of society would be stable & well integrated. People arebrought up to perform certain societal funtions. & all aspects ofsociety have a purpose that are needed for the long term survivalof society.A conflict point of view is charaterized by a strugglebetween groups. The people and social order are formed by force& authority. & an interactionalist view of society is effectedeveryday through social interaction.
People create their own socialworlds through relationships and encounters with other people.The social order is maintained by an understanding of everydaybehavior. Marx being a conflict theorist believed in class conflict, asociety made up of two groups. Those who have the means toproduce wealth and those who don’t. The capitalist class vs. theworking class. A factory owner will gain income by allowingpeople to work for him. The people working for him must sell theirlabor power to survive. The rise and fall of different socialstructures will lead to more advanced social structures in thefuture. We learn from our mistakes & build from ouraccomplishments. Marx called this perspective dialecticalmaterialism, which dipicts a world of becoming rather than being.Marx believed that religion, family organization, education andgovernment make up the superstructure of society. Spencer viewed society as being very similar to a biologicalorganism, that all different aspects of society have a specialpurpose to help it survive. He strongly believed in a Darwinianview of natural selection and applied the phrase “survival of thefittest” to the social world. He thought that governments shouldn’tinterfere with society so that we could evolve into moresophisticated beings. Spencer believed in a functionalist societywhich is made up of institutions like, family, religion, education,state, and economy. He claimed that knowledge was of two kinds,knowledge gained by the individual, and knowledge gained byrace. He said that intuition,or knowledge learned unconsciously,was the inherited knowledge or experience of the race.
The Research paper on Marx Believes That Society Social Individuals Durkheim
Sociology has been influenced by many perspectives among those are Karl Marx also known as the Marxist theory and Functionalism. This research paper seeks to compare and contrast these two theories. These two theories are very different in comparison but they also have a few similarities on their views about the understanding of social life. Marxism has been called a radical approach to ...
Weber was an interactionist who studied the role religionsplay in economic development. He became famous for hiscontroversial theory of the Puritan, or Calvinistic, orgin ofcapitalism. He believed the critical aspect of sociology is theintensions,values,beliefs, and attitudes that underlie peoplesbehavior. He wanted to learn the meaning behind the actions.Through this method sociologists try to place themselves in theshoes of other people to identify what they think & feel. Weberstressed the importance of a value free sociology wheresociologists should not let their personal biases affect the conductof their research. Cooley who was an interactionist, talked about the lookingglass self which is the way we think other people view ouselves.He said its an ongoing process sectioned into three phrases.Imagining how we appear to others, imagining how others judgeour appearance, and then developing some sort of feeling on thebasis of what we percieve others’ judgements to be. He also talkedabout self image, which is a temporary mental conception we haveof ourselves. Self conception, a more over riding view ofourselves. shyness, & choking. 3) The text, Vander Zander, states that “the dymanic interplaybetween the individual and the environment is the foundation ofhuman intelligence, knowledge and culture.” Explain thisstatement.
The Essay on My Generation People Expression Generations
My Generation Every group receives a name, whether it is a club or organization, plants, animals or people. No matter what it is, it will receive a label so that it can be referred to easily. For instance, those born between the years 1977 and 1997 were given the title of the "Digital Generation." This label was attained because of the widespread technology that is available to them from birth. ...
Be sure to include a description of the relationshipbetween heredity and environmental factors in the socializationprocess. Vander Zander stated that in the very begining of our liveswe are unfinished human beings. But as we grow we learn tobecome socialized through interaction with other people. We aretaught about certain values and behaviors, like whats the rightthing to do and whats the wrong thing to do. Whats the right thingto say and whats the wrong thing to say. All the basic rules welearn to become a decent human being. The book talks about a girl held in isolation. When she wasfinally found at the age of six she was extremely retarded andshowed no sign of human capabilities or responses. But after beingin contact with other human beings she quickly learned how tospeak and behave and eventualy went on to graduate from highschool and start a family. This shows that alot of our behavior wemight think of as coming natural really doesn’t occur unless wehave social interaction with other people. In other words throughour genes and heredity our minds might have the potential to doalot of things but the environment determines how much of that ispossible. And so on the same token it supports Spencer’s point ofview “survival of the fittest”. If the government would have neverinterfered with society from the begining then maybe we would bea more highly evolved species. Culture is past on through socialization. From culture eachnew generation can move on from the achievements of thepreviouse one. If we didn’t have socialization then society wouldhave no way of moving on from generation to generation.
The Essay on Ethics Of Cloning Humans People Things
Steve Staff Grade: B+ Biochemistry in the Real World Ethics of cloning Most of us should know of the new scientific technology that has allowed us to clone mammals. First a sheep that was cloned in Scotland, and then a small monkey in Oregon. All this talk about cloning has forced people to think about other possibilities with this new breakthrough. Most people have come to think about the ...