This 2-day training session is mandatory for the all branch managers and the stakeholders of Graham, Inc. that are involved in the Graham Project. This training will be any between 6 – 8 hour sessions each day. Branch managers and stakeholders from all over the country will be attending. The training session will be held at Holiday Inn Conference Room 1, 2 and 3. Each session will be split up into 3 classes, anyone living more than 50 miles from the hotel will receive free accommodations at the Holiday Inn for 3 nights, anyone living less than 50 miles from the hotel and would like to stay at the hotel will receive reduced rates.
We would like everyone who is staying at the hotel to arrive the day before so we can get started with the training at 8:00 am sharp. The training will be on Tuesday, December 9 and Wednesday December 10. There will be a “Welcome Party” on Monday, December 8 @ 5:00 pm for everyone attending the training sessions. During this time we will go over where to go to check-in for the training. At that time you will receive you will receive all training materials you will need and what room you are assigned to. This room will be where you report on both days. . For hotel reservations or if you have any questions please contact me directly at (717) 458-8965 no later than Monday, December 1. Objectives of Training
The objective of this training is for all branch managers to learn how to use the New Compliance System and the policies so they can go back to their employees and new employees to explain the new system and policy accurately so every department’s work will be done accurately and to learn how to protect employee and customer personal information. To have ready all the materials that will be needed for the training session. Each trainer will be given an assignment to get the supplies ready and the trainers will be identified on Microsoft® Project worksheet as 1, 2, 3 etc… The materials that need to be compiled are: Step by step instructions copied and compiled
The Essay on Training Session
In this task I am going to design a six week training programme for two selected contrasting clients, I will the explain the choice of activities for these clients. I will then justify these choices for both of my clients and I will suggest alternatives for activities. For my first client I have chosen two main areas of improvement, these areas would be core strength and cardiovascular endurance. ...
Policies copied and compiled
Survey to be created and compiled
25 computers in each conference room
Video equipment in each conference room
White boards, eraser, and markers for each conference room
Writing utensils, Hands-on training with the use of the materials we are providing will help the trainees understand the new system and policy clearly. At the end of each session there will be a question and answer period. Scoping Boundary
This training was created to teach the stakeholders, branch managers, and two department managers how to use the new compliance system accurately and to understand the new policies well enough for them to go back and teach their old and new employees accurately. Only the questions relating to the Graham Project will be answered at training. The policies and the new system has been approved by the Legal Department and the stakeholders and if there is any changes that any trainee think needs to be changed they will have to go through the proper channels and fill out a form with your suggestion. Measurable Organizational Value
All employees, no matter who they are will have the same level of training taught to them by their managers using the materials that will be given out at the training session. Once their employees are trained a survey will go out to the employees to see if they a have any questions and if they truly understand the new system and policies. All employees will be able to do their work accurately and will be able to know how to protect all customer and employee information.