12 Step AA Meeting 12 Step AA meeting activity is a group of people in recovery. The overall goal of the 12 Step AA meeting is to help the members to share their experiences, hopes, and strengths. The meeting helps its members to recover from addictive behavior, addiction, and emotional suffering. The attendance of these groups is free. The primary objective of 12 Step AA meeting is as follows: Helping others is the foundation stone of your recovery. The activity goals were also to hear first-person accounts of experiences with alcohol addiction, and deconstruct the negative stereotypes about them. As a nursing student in Mental Health I went to the 12 Step AA meeting chatroom where the meeting took place.
The members of the group were sharing their experiences, and the newcomers were encouraged to tell about themselves, also sharing their emotional sufferings, and hopes. Some activities and practices used by 12 Step AA meeting members included meditation, discussion, and communication. The attendance of the 12 Step AA meeting was helpful, as the technique of group presentation turned out to be the effective activity to raise awareness, generate interest and increase understanding of addiction treatment. The experience was definitely positive, as I understood that the 12 Step AA meeting is an efficient recovery model that may be utilized in the practice, as it places an emphasis on the emotional component and provides an efficient pattern for recovery from addictive patient’s lifestyles. As far as I am nursing student in Mental Health, this activity is directly relevant to the objectives of the Mental Health course. This activity is helpful in preparation of the students to utilize the nursing process with the emphasis on psychosocial patient’s needs..
The Essay on Group Theory Members Social Roles
Possess a common social identification Two or more people possessing a common social identification and whose existence as a group is recognized by a third party. The process of becoming part of a group often provokes anxiety. The reconnaissance Process occurs before entering the group. A common motivation underlying this activity is an assessment of the rewards and costs associated with joining ...