So from February 2011 CSO publish CPI(urban), CPI(rural) and CPI(combined) instead of the CPI(UNME) on base 2010 = 100. New CPI indexes are release by the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementations, Government of India every month. They first publish the provisional indices and then final. Giving example in month of August, 2012 concerned ministry provides the provisional CPI data for month of July and final data for June. Price data are collected from selected towns by the Field Operations Division of NSSO and from selected villages by the Department of Posts.
Price data are received through web portals being maintained by the National Informatics Centre. To calculate the CPI numbers, we need consumption pattern i. e. weighting diagram of components and latest price data of all components. Weighting Diagram Weighting diagram gives information about the percentage of consumption for each item. The weighting diagram is based on the consumer consumption of rural and urban household obtained from the NSS 61st round Consumer Expenditure Survey data (2004-05).
To update latest trend of consumption weighting diagram gets updated on regular basis.
Non-consumption expenditure such as wages to servants has been excluded. For the purpose of preparation of weighting diagrams only consumption expenditure has been considered. Items in consumption expenditure classified into groups and subgroups considering the Standard International Classification and COICOP (Classification of Individual consumption according to purpose).
The Term Paper on Data flow diagram 2
Note: For multiple-choice questions, select the best answer. Incorrect answers will be marked as zero. No marks will be awarded for any explanations you may offer. Multiple choice (2 marks each) a. Under what condition would you be more likely to recommend a prototyping approach to systems development as opposed to a waterfall approach? 1. For a large system with multiple integration points to ...
Criteria of Selection of Items For choosing the correct items different rules were adopted according to their suitability, popularity and importance. So government decided four-fold criteria, which discussed below: (i) All items from PDS system ii) All items responsible for 1% or more expenditure at sub-group level (iii) All items accounting for more than particular percentage of expenditure of all consumption items: a. Food, Housing & Miscellaneous > 0. 04% b. Fuel > 0. 03% c. Clothing > 0. 02% (iv) All items for which more than 75% households have reported consumption. All consumption items satisfying any of the above four conditions were included. These are also called as weighted items. All India weights of CPI (Rural), CPI (Urban) and CPI (Combined) are as under: New series of CPI—All India weights Sub group/group| Rural| Urban| Combined |
Cereals and products| 19. 08| 8. 73| 14. 59| Pulses and products| 3. 25| 1. 87| 2. 65| Milk and milk products| 8. 59| 6. 61| 7. 73| Oils and fats| 4. 67| 2. 89| 3. 90| Egg, fish and meat| 3. 38| 2. 26| 2. 89| Vegetables| 6. 57| 3. 96| 5. 44| Fruits| 1. 90| 1. 88| 1. 89| Sugar etc| 2. 41| 1. 26| 1. 91| Condiments and spices| 2. 13| 1. 16| 1. 71| Non- alcoholic beverages| 2. 04| 2. 02| 2. 03| Prepared meals etc| 2. 57| 3. 17| 2. 83| Pan, tobacco and Intoxicants| 2. 73| 1. 35| 2. 13| Food, beverages and tobacco| 59. 31| 37. 15| 49. 71| Fuel and light| 10. 42| 8. 40| 9. 49| Clothing and bedding| 4. 60| 3. 4| 4. 05| Footwear| 0. 77| 0. 57| 0. 68| Clothing, bedding and footwear| 5. 36| 3. 91| 4. 73| Housing| | 22. 53| 9. 77| Education| 2. 71| 4. 18| 3. 35| Medical care| 6. 72| 4. 34| 5. 69| Recreation and amusement| 1. 00| 1. 99| 1. 43| Transport and communication| 5. 83| 9. 84| 7. 57| Personal care and effects| 3. 05| 2. 74| 2. 92| Household requisites| 4. 48| 3. 92| 4. 30| Others| 1. 12| 0. 99| 1. 06| Miscellaneous| 24. 91| 28. 00| 26. 31| All Groups| 100. 00| 100. 00| 100. 00| Compilation of Indices New CPI Indexes are calculated and compiled at the Computer Centre of the Ministry of Statistics & PI.
Compilation of CPI numbers is two stage processes – item level indices calculation of price indices and the aggregation of it using corresponding weights associated. For aggregation of indices, in India we used Laspeyres formula. Prices relative of each product specification (current month price/base year average price) is worked out. Under the respective item price relatives multiplied with 100 gives. In case unavailability of data for certain seasonal item such as vegetables the weight are calculated based on the pro-rata basis for the respective sub-group.
The Term Paper on Obesity: Body Mass Index And Weight
1. Obesity is the commonest health problem in our community 2. Obesity causes many diseases and markedly increases the risk of Dying prematurely 3. Obesity also reduces quality of life by limiting physical activity and Encouraging social isolation. 4. The costs of obesity through increased health costs and reduced Effectiveness in the community are very high. 5. The body mass index or BMI is the ...
We use different procedure for calculating the house rent index. Self-owned dwelling and rented dwelling are two categories used to calculate the house rent index. For self owned house rental equivalence approach is used. To calculate the rent relative six months data (January to June or July to December) are used. Rent relative is calculated by dividing rent of current month by six months earlier rent and then according to number of living rooms simple average of relative is calculated. To get combined rent relative rent relatives are multiplied by respective weights.
For compilation for house rent index Chain base method is used and these indices are repeated for the subsequent six months period. For the period January-June 2011, house rent is taken as 100, as previous six months period is a part of the base year 2010. For all PDS items, price relatives are calculated separately for Below Poverty Line (BPL) households and others. These calculated price relatives are united with the respective expenditure percentage. All India index at sub-group level is calculated by considering relevant expenditure of the State (total households (estimated) X average household expenditure) as weights.