This course is designed to acquaint the students with the theories and principles of translation and editing. It provides students opportunities to apply their knowledge in translation and editing. IV. COURSE UNITS : 3 units (3 hours per week) V. COURSE OBJECTIVES : A. General Objective At the end of the term, the students are expected to apply their knowledge and skills in doing translation work.. B. Specific Objectives At the end of the term, the students are expected to: Cognitive Objectives 1. Define terms associated with translation and editing;
2. Classify items to be translated directly and indirectly; 3. Analyze structures and their meanings in doing translation and editing work; 4. Trace the history of translation; and 5. Criticize translated and edited works. Affective Objectives 1. Enjoy activities involving translation and editing work; 2. Manifest interest in and take part in discussion of translated and edited works; 3. Appreciate the role of translators in information dissemination and literature expansion; and 4. Develop a positive attitude towards translation/editing and translators/editors. Psychomotor Objectives 1.
Locate physically books such as dictionaries and other materials used in translation; 2. Write legibly translations from English to Filipino or another language, and vice versa; and 3. State orally translations of short passages. VI. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS : 1. Attendance 2. Quizzes (at least 8) 3. Periodical Examinations (preliminary, mid-term, pre-final, and final) 4. Participation in class discussion 5. Projects (research and/or other papers) VII. GRADING SYSTEM : Computed Grade (CG) = (PLE + MTE + PFE + Class Standing)/4 Weighted Average (WA) = 40% (Final Examination Grade) + 60% (Computed Grade).
The Term Paper on Stress In College Students
College students all stress out about one situation/life generality or another. Some of these situations/life generalities are individuation, computer anxiety, ethnic and gender roles in student-athletes, and mathematics anxiety. There have been many studies looking at stress in college students. At one time or another, college students are forced to deal with a stressful situation. Stress, in ...
VIII. TEXTBOOK : IX. REFERENCES : TRANSLATION THEORY AND PRACTICE WEEK # LEARNING OBJECTIVES COURSE OUTLINE ACTIVITIES MATERIALS ASSIGNMENTS/READINGS Week 1 Define translation. Trace the development of translation in the Philippines and in the world. CCP Philosophy, Vision, and Mission Definition of Translation History of Translation Graded Recitation Oral Reporting Week 2 Explain the theories of translation. Theories of Translation Lecture Small-group discussion Online Sources Surf the Internet on the different theories of translation and prepare for a discussion.
Week 3 Define, identify, and illustrate the different strategies of translation. Analyze translated works in terms of strategies used. Strategies of Translation Convergence Divergence Equivalence Lecture Small-group discussion Word Games Online Sources Clip a translated work and its original version and analyze the translation based on the strategies used by the translator. Week 4 Define, identify, and illustrate the different types of translation. Analyze translated works in terms of types. Types of Translation Meaning-based Translation Literal Translation.
Machine Translation Mobile Translation Lecture Small-group Discussion Online Sources Bring materials showing the various types of translation. Week 5 Discuss the various problems faced by translators. Problems of Translators Lexical Problems Semantic Problems Syntactic Problems Pragmatic Problems Lecture Small-group Discussion Online Sources Translate a science article and identify the problems you encounter in doing the translation. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Week 6 Describe the process of translating words. Translate technical and non-technical terms.
Translation of Words Technical Terms Non-technical Terms Word Translation Pair Work Peer Evaluation Science Books Dictionaries Thesauruses List down 20 technical terms and 20 non-technical terms in English with the corresponding Filipino counterparts. Week 7 Describe the process of translating phrases and clauses. Translate formulaic expressions, idiomatic expressions, and figures of speech. Translation of Phrases and Clauses Formulaic Expressions Idiomatic Expressions Figures of Speech Phrase/Clause Translation Pair Work.
The Term Paper on Analyse the Translation of Names in a Work of Children’s Literature
Analyse the translation of names in a work of children’s literature 1. Abstract There are many ways of translating names. As Nord (2003:182) has pointed out, names can be substituted, transcribed or omitted. And names involve cultural specificity, that makes it seems to be almost impossible to translate names from one language to another without sacrificing parts of the characteristics of it. We ...
Peer Evaluation Language and Literature Books List down 10 formulaic expressions, 10 idioms, and 10 figures of speech in English with the corresponding Filipino counterparts, and vice versa. Week 8 Describe the process of translating major grammatical units. Translate sentences and paragraphs. Translation of Major Grammatical Units Sentences Paragraphs Sentence/Paragraph Translation Pair Work Peer Evaluation Books of Various Disciplines Copy two English paragraphs with at least five sentences and translate them into Filipino. Do the same with two paragraphs written in Filipino.
Week 9 Describe the process of translating oral and written discourses. Translate expository, descriptive, narrative, and argumentative forms. Translation of Oral and Written Discourses Expository Forms Descriptive Forms Narrative Forms Argumentative Forms Discourse Translation Pair Work Peer Evaluation Language and Literature Books Translate an expository, a descriptive, a narrative, or an argumentative piece. MID-TERM EXAMINATION Week 10 Define, identify, and illustrate medicalese and legalese. Translate medicalese and legalese from English to Filipino, and vice versa.
Technical Translation (Translation in Different Disciplines) Medicalese Legalese Medicalese/Legalese Translation Critiquing Medical and Legal Journals Medical and Legal Books/ Articles Bring original and translated medical and legal materials for critiquing. Week 11 Define, identify, and illustrate commercialese, computerese, and teacherese. Translate commercialese, computerese, and teacherese from English to Filipino, and vice versa. Commercialese Computerese Teacherese Commercialese/ Computerese/ Teacherese Translation Critiquing Business Papers Computer-related Works.
Instructional Materials Bring original and translated commercialese, computerese, and teaching materials for critiquing. Week 12 Define, identify, and illustrate journalese, diplomatese, technicalese, and motherese. Translate journalese, diplomatese, technicalese, and motherese from English to Filipino, and vice versa. Journalese Diplomatese Technicalese Motherese Journalese/ Diplomatese/ Technicalese Translation Critiquing Newspapers Technical Articles Journals Bring original and translated journalistic, diplomatic, and technical materials for critiquing.
The Research paper on Domestication and Foreignization in Translation 2
1.Definitions of Domesticationa and Foreignization Domestication refers to the target-culture-oriented translation in which unusual expressions to the target culture are exploited and turned into some familiar ones so as to make the translated text intelligible and easy for the target readers. Foreignization is a source-culture-oriented translation which strives to preserve the foreign flavor as ...
Week 13 Define, identify, and illustrate telegraphese, transcription, and transliteration. Translate telegraphese from English to Filipino, and vice versa. Do transcription and transliteration. Telegraphese Transcription Transliteration Telegraphese Translation Transcription/ Transliteration Activities Critiquing Telegrams/Telex Text Messages Books/Materials on and for Transcription/ Transliteration Bring original and translated telegraphic materials for critiquing. Collect items for transcription and transliteration exercises. PRE-FINAL EXAMINATION Week 14.
Define and illustrate literary translation, measure, rhyme, imagery, and figurative language. Translate poems. Literary Translation Poetry Translation Measure Rhyme Imagery Figurative Language Poetry Translation Critiquing Peer Evaluation Narrative, Lyric, and Dramatic Poems Clip a poem, translate it, and bring the original and its translation for critiquing. Week 15 Define and illustrate prose translation. Translate essays. Prose Translation Essay Translation Essay Translation Critiquing Peer Evaluation Formal and Informal Essays Clip an essay, translate it, and bring the original and its translation for critiquing.
Week 16 Translate plays and short stories. Play Translation Short Story Translation Play/Short Story Translation Critiquing Peer Evaluation Tragedies and Other Plays Short Stories Clip a play or a short story, translate it, and bring the original and its translation for critiquing. Week 17 Translate novels. Novel Translation Novel Translation Critiquing Peer Evaluation Novels of Various Types Clip a chapter of a novel, translate it, and bring the original and its translation for critiquing. Week 18 FINAL EXAMINATION.