Taxi Driver, directed by Martin Scorsese is a modern day classic movie. It deals with the subject of alienation. The movie is also somewhat disturbing. It is so because of the time period it takes place in. It takes place during a disturbing time for americans. It is some time after the Vietnam War as well as Nixon’s Watergate s candle.
It takes place in an urban region. The movie focuses on Denero’s character, Travis Bickle. This particular movie focuses more on the psychological craziness of his character. His character is a taxi driver who happens to be a war vet.
He is a sort of anti hero type of guy. As a result of his alienation, Bickle lashes out against the world, his enemy. This movie only reminds viewers of De Nero’s talent. It resurfaces his talent to truly become the character. It is hard for anyone to tell that he is acting rather than just being himself. He is just so convincing.
He takes the roll of his characters so well. The movie does a good job of using visuals to portray what is going on in Travis’ mind. There is one scene where he kills a pimp and, let me tell you, it is very bloody. I think that it was necessary, however. It was necessary to depict exactly what state of mind Travis was coping with. It definitely showed the psychological mess going on in Travis’ mind.
I love the fact that this movie shows how certain things happen for a reason. In other words, if one thing doesn’t happen, it may not be followed by what it really is followed by. One example of this is the psychological state of Travis after being dumped. The viewer naturally feels bad for him.
The Essay on Fight Club Review Movie Tyler Character
Fight Club Review The movie that is being reviewed and analyzed is Fight Club, which stars Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. Fight Club is in a genre on its own, but falls into the categories of action and mystery. We will be looking at the subdivisions of plot, character, setting, and focus. By analyzing these points of the movie we can see why Fight Club belongs to the certain genre it is placed in. ...
Then he meets another man with some sort of problem. This man wants to kill his cheating wife. This, in a way, is the tip of the ice burg. This is what starts it all in Travis’ mind.
I love how this use of characters is used.