Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF, is an important program in the advancement of government sponsored help for the poor. It is a great improvement on Welfare. Also it doesn’t allow people to just do nothing and get money like welfare. They actually have to try to become self-sufficient. A person can only relieve assistance for a maximum of two years without doing anything.
After the two years a person has to work a minimum of twenty hours a week in order to continue to relieve assistance. Also cash assistance is only three percent of all assistance given out. Food stamps make up six percent of the total assistance given out. Medical assistance comprises ninety-one percent of all assistance given out. Even after a person does become self-sufficient they can still be eligible for medical assistance. Also the average family, a mother and two children, relieves a total of four hundred dollars a month for cash assistance.
This has to pay for bills, including electric, rent, and other things. Also this money has to pay for things like deodorant and toothpaste. The food stamps only buy food. Also they only relieve about three hundred dollars worth of food stamps. It can clear been seen that temporary assistance for needy families is a great step forward into the future of helping the poor. They need our help and as a good society we must provide for them.
It is very important that we not forget them and help them when they need it.