The American Dream
The American dream has been defined in several different ways. The best concept of the American Dream is to be healthy. (The American Dream: The Facts 7).the best way to live a healthy life is to feel good about your overall life- physically, mentally, and spiritually.The best example of the American Dream is Lance Armstrong. Lance Armstrong is the best example of this definition because he never let anything stop him.
The first way that Lance Armstrong demonstrates the American Dream is that he is a cancer survivor. He had testicular cancer that had spread throughout his lungs and his brain. The chance of him surviving was (Lance’s Bio 7).
(less than 50%).
So he did what many have done in the past which was chemotherapy. This is why he was picked out of many of the cancer survivors because normally cancer slows everyone down but that didn’t stop him.
Another way in which Lance Armstrong best represents the American Dream of being healthy is that despite going through the chemotherapy, still raced his bike through his home town Austin, Texas in their race Lance Armstrong Foundation Downtown Criterium and winning it for the first time he started racing again. (Lance’s Bio 10).
His new focus on life and training paid off in the form of top-five finishes in the tour of Spain and the world championships. That is why he was picked for showing that even if u had cancer and or chemotherapy you can do anything that you put your mind too.
The Essay on The "American Dream"
The American Dream is a widespread idea. Depending on whose dream it is, it can also have many different definitions. The United States was founded on the idea of individual worth, and the ability of people being able to make their own choices to affect their own destiny. Being in a country which allows one to do these things is a privilege in and of itself. Culture and one’s upbringing will ...
That is the version of the American Dream is to be healthy. There are so many in this country that want to be healthy buy they never do anything about it.
Works cited: livestrong, n.d. Web. 2 May 2011. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2011.