Cocaine is a narcotic drug extracted from the South American
coco plant. Cocaine deadens skin and mucous membranes. A
doctor may use it to deaden the area around a wound before he
cleanes it or takes stitches. When it is taken internally, cocaine
causes a temporary stimulation of the nervous system ans a feeling
of pleasure. However, later, the victim is seized by a feeling of
great fear and may even become violent.
Marijuana is made form the shredded leaves and stems of the
hemp plant. It can be eaten, but isusuallysmoked. A stronger forn
of the drug called hashish, is made from the flowers of the same
plant. The plant must grow in a hot dry climate to produce large
amounts of the drug. Most of the supply in this part of the world
comes from Mexico.
The drug in marijuana THC. In large doses it is a powerful
hallucingen, like LSD. The marijuana smoker generally gets a
small dose. In these small amounts, it acts more like a sedative.
The effects are felt quickly and last for a few hours after smoking.
Though the drug remains in the body for nearly a week.
The effects of marijuana include; appearance of silliness,
increased pulse rate, lowered blood pressure, red eyes, “feeling
good”, changed sense of time, poorer hearing, poor concentration,
loss of attention, dreaminess and poor short-term memory.
The Essay on Marijuana Plant One High
Marijuana What s illegal, friendly to the environment, not supported by the powers that be, and gets you banged up in nick for possession of it Well the answer can only be the green bud, the Buddha, the wacky back or the puff, well what ever you call it it all boils down to the simple name of marijuana. So how come this plant has gained such a cult following over the thousand and odd years it s ...
A drug is any substance used as a medicine or used in
making medicines, for internal of external use. Aspirin helps us
with head-aches but while it does it’s work on our heads, you’ll
have other symptons. The other symptons include; ringing in the
ears, dizziness, difficulty in hearing, dimness in vision, mental
confusion, sweating, thirst, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Drugs
of plant origin such as the guinine, are called natural drugs. Other
drugs, such as sulfanilamide, some vitamins, as well as many
others are made in laboratories and are called synthetic drugs. It
may surprise you to learn that naturally occuring drugs are found
in coffee, tea, and cocoa and the Kola nut which cola drinks are
made. These popular beverages contain substances which prevent
sleep and cause emotional excitment. These substances and others
which cause similar responses are called stimulating drugs. Coffee
and tea are widely consumed and its easy to form the habit of the
“coffee break”.