The Indusrtial Revolution was fueled by the economic necessity of many women, singled and married, to find waged work outside t hier home. Women mostly found jobs in domestic service, textile factories, and piecework shops. For some the revolution provided independent wages, mobility and a better standard of living, . For the majority, however, factory work in the early years of the 19 th century resulted in a life of hard ship.
Women played a big role in the revolution. They had to take over the factories while the men stayed on the farms. The conditions of the factories were very harsh. They were hot, dirty, and no place for women, yet they stuck it out. The women did not just work in the factories for the men but it gave the nm a chance to make their own money.
They had a way to support themselves. The women could also build up a dowry. A dowry was money or land they could give to their future husband. The man would get all of her mony and her land. This made it easier for the women to get married. The man also liked it, for it made them rich or they could own a lot of land.
The women of the revolution worked very hard. They had to put up with a lot of harsh environments. They played a big role in the industrial revolution. Thay mad the what it is today. If it were not for the women, the women of today would not have jobs in the industry..