Most of the people like to live in a big city. Big cities are a good place to live in. But as any living area living in a big city has some problems that I will include in my essay.
Pollution in big cities is a huge problem because of automobile exhaust and the use of automobile in big cities is very important. In addition, to the pollution there other kind of pollution which is noise pollution and this kind of pollution caused by industrialization, poor urban planning, transportation, construction activities and household chores.
Traffic jam is problem disturbs people who live in big cities. And this problem will make you lose a lot of time in driving your car, cause accidents and respiratory diseases. Traffic jam is caused by the large number of vehicles on roads and Poor planning streets.
The cost of living in big cities is higher than the cost of living in countryside. Clearly, this is can be big problem for you because of the high prices. Poor people will face a lot of difficulties in living in big cities because there is a gap between poor and rich.
In conclusion, at the same time living in big cities is difficult. But it is good place to live in if you want quality education and creating a good career. But that depends on you if you do not bear the crowds and the cost of living the big cities is not the place for you.
The Essay on Big city or small town
Good afternoon everyone. Today I’d like to say something about big city and small town. It sounds charming to see stars at night, to plant fruits in the garden, or to picnic on the lawn, rural life distinguished itself in being closer to nature. But truth to be told, living close to nature also means that there will be plenty of animals and insects visiting your home and vegetation. Surely Fish is ...