Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, mostly saturated or aromatic (~ 10%).
It enables almost all inventions and contraption ever designed from cars to machinery. In principal most major technological invention use some part of petroleum based subsidiary without which we would be immobilized to a great extent. The advantages are plenty to list a few: Petroleum fuels are clean and it leaves no residue, no smoke and no pollutants.
It burns readily as preheating is not required due to its low ignition temperature. The major advantage petroleum has over other fuel combustions are that the environmental impacts are less costly to rectify when compared to other fuel discharge. It is a very compact and can be easily stored and transported. Petroleum has the best component of organic molecules for making plastic, fiber etc. Due to its heat resistance it can be used as lubricants like motor oil and grease.
The residue can be recycled and used for making roads (asphalt), certain components like Sulphur which is by product has extensive industrial usage as well. In comparison to other energy sources is has been found economical especially where the production cost is concerned. Disadvantages such as risk to the eco system through oil spills etc. emission of CO2 producing the green house effect, pollution problems, fear of limited resources and the fuel price have been argued extensively.
These can be seen as exaggerated since the excessive mileage that the global warming prevention has been receiving. It seems certain that CO2 emission caused by the use petroleum in fact has a positive effect in tune with the rise in global temperature. If the biggest drawback is global warming then the CO2 reduction is to be taken into consideration as important as it has secondary environmental issues. The other factor to be considered is that there is no other energy more effective that has produced results as Petroleum even after several trials.
The Essay on Carbon Dioxide and Fuel Global Warming
Forests contain more than half our species on the earth. All species depend on forests for food shelter and survival. Current statistics show that as many as 100 species become extinct every day with a large portion being attributed to deforestation. This unnatural extinction of species endangers the world's food supply, threatens many human resources and has profound implications for biological ...
This make the CO2 issue trivial in comparison to the need of Petroleum in the world today. Another argument is that petroleum is a non renewable resource and there is a limited supply of it in the world when compared to the raising demand. Petroleum resources are naturally finite. Experts estimate that the supply will last for another ten years at the current consumption rate. When this happens it will be chaos in comparison to which the global warming would seem trivial. Reference List
Petroleum. 1/9/98. Retrieved 28 May,2009 from http://www. wou. edu/las/physci/ch371/lecture/lecture3/sld014. htm What are the advantages and disadvantages of petroleum? ( 2006 ).
Yahoo Answers. Retrieved 28 May, 2009 from http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=1006020305594 Kiyohiko Ikeda. Think About Environmental Issues – False issues called global warming. Daily Yomouri Online, Retrieved 28 May,2009 from http://www. yomiuri. co. jp/adv/wol/dy/opinion/society_080908. htm